
The Cast system in India resembles the races conflict of the world? or they are different?

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The Cast system in India resembles the races conflict of the world? or they are different?




  1. Cast system in India is based on ages old concept of MANU

    (ancient writer)at that time it was based on professions adopted by  people . But now by change of time that concept has diminished but reservation policies enshrined in Indian Constitution now still acknowledges it.So it is different than other countries.

  2. The caste system, racism, nationalism, jealousy, greed, snobbery.  These are all unfortunately part of what makes us human.  It's even evident in animals, so I would venture the opinion that all those emotions are, or were, part of our survival instincts.  

    The caste system existed in ancient Roman and Greek societies, and no doubt in all preceding societies.  The Indians refined the system, and allied it to religion, thereby giving it divine endorsement. So in answer to your question, yes, the caste system and racism stem from the same source.

  3. There is no connection between caste system and racial conflict. Our government policies are teaching us to abolish caste conflicts and in the past few years we Indians had changed to a greater extend. So there is no way connection between these two and  please dont confuse between them.

  4. They really do have a preference for lighter coloured skin in India, have a dark skin is seen as sign of being lower caste. Some of their actors and actresses could be mistaken for East European.

    I've had an Indian tell me they fawn all over Europeans, and treat Africans like dirt. So, probably.

  5. basic instinct is the same for both casteism and racism. the sense of supremacy and the sense of slavery prevailing among the group thinks itself big and the other group either accepts it or challenges it which becomes the basis for all human conflicts. in india this basic human instinct has been accepted as a whole as part of hindu religion. this belief is further founded on the belief that one inherits supremacy or slavery by birth which is further believed that this inheritance is based on the basis of one's good or bad deeds in his previous births.hence, precisely, it is god's will for the form you have taken in this world by birth as per hindu religion and hence there is no question of challenging this and simple acceptance of this fact by any human will ultimately make him reaching the god or assimilating with the ULTIMATE or freeing from further births as humans.

    Racism on the other hand is again based on the same instinct of supremacy and slavery. but only difference is that, i hope,it may not be the basics for any of the western religions.i hope, racism is not preached in any form in western religion, rather it is condemned by the india, though it is condemned, it is done only indian politics, the casteism is conveniently used (by both those who propose or oppose) in the name of secularism, communalism, pseudo secularism, etc. reservations in jobs on caste basis has further disintegrated and fragmented the lower castes(as haves and havenots, neo-upper-casteism among lower castes itself) and it serves little to the purposes for which it was intoduced after india's independence. if the reservations are lifted out, there is a hope among the protogonists of pure merit that the caste system will fade away. is it so? surely reservation system has not uplifted the down castes as intended but equally, the position cannot change in case of no - reservation  for the same reason that the casteism is an instinct of supremacy and slavery (urge for discrimination). this instinct must be prevalent throughout world in different names, if you go deep in to the human science of any country/race. casteism/racism is basically an urge of human for differentiation and discrimination.

  6. Structurally caste system in India is similar to Races of different countries, however the speciality in India is that the conflicts have been lot reduced due to the maturity and due to the concept of one nation. Although caste discrimination exists, it is very fast getting diluted with the increasing value consciousness.

    It is the government reservation policies which is making Indians to remember the caste otherwise, Indians by now have forgotton them to a great extent.

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