
The Catalan Generalitat compares the conflict with Ukraine Revolution

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Artur Mas not want the government to have the last word in explaining the sovereigntist Spain outside Catalonia process. The department of Presidency of the Generalitat Wednesday publicized a report entitled "Enhancing ties in freedom" that seeks to counter the document that the Foreign Ministry sent embassies to give arguments against independence. The new document of the Government, 50 folios, says he wants to shed light on a "constructive " discussion with " criteria of rationality." However, the document warns that if the government " shuts false " Catalan independence crises and entrenched it can create a situation that Ukraine lives.

The paper intends to debunk the arguments offered in Margallo document addressed to the embassies, as asserting that the Catalan self-government derived from the Constitution. The new text of the Catalan Executive insists that the Government was restored a year earlier, in 1977, a year before the current Constitution was promulgated. Therefore, the Minister of the Presidency, Francesc Homs, responsible for the document, accused the government of wanting to " reconstruct a story of Transition " and ignore recent history.

In the memo warning that foreign eventual independence would leave Catalonia outside the EU, the text aims to provide " other references to consider when talking seriously about foreign policy " concerning the Spanish sovereignty as the decolonization of Western Sahara, Gibraltar, fences of Ceuta and Melilla and the crisis in the island of Perejil 2002.

He also claims that the political situations are not set in stone, but even that can change in a few months, so it refers to the case of Ukraine following the removal of the USSR. In 1991 the Russians overwhelmingly voted to keep the USSR as a renewed federation of sovereign republics, but later that year Ukraine became independent in a referendum in which the yes won overwhelmingly (90.32 %). "Sometimes, for better or worse, some suspicious Eternal Truths policy last month. If further discussion is closed false, can lead to a situation like the one just lives Ukraine right now, "adds the text in reference to the revolutionary situation in that country.

The Government insists that the sovereignty movement is festive and cross, and refuses to look for a traumatic rupture with the rest of Spain. "Nobody wants to tear or leave anyone: these words are used to treat marital conflicts, not political issues," warns the report, which argues that history refutes the view of Spain as a country that unites these different peoples and merge voluntarily to a common pool of cultures.

The document comes after the last anti-independence offense different business sectors. The Catalan President, Artur Mas, had to step out of the anti-independence Wednesday statement released Tuesday by German managers about sixty residents in Catalonia. "So respected are the opinions of these entrepreneurs as millions of people who want to vote," said the president in parliament before Catalonia boast that, in the sovereignty debate has led the attraction of foreign investments. The German chemical company BASF distanced himself from the statement of employers signed among others by its CEO in Spain. The company insisted he has no intention of " influence " in political debates.

 Tags: Catalan, compares, Conflict, Generalitat, revolution, Ukraine


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