
The Cause of Oral Thrush/Candida Albicans colonising the tongue?

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I was told by someone in the alternative medicine field regarding reoccurrent oral thrush {even after conventional Amp B Lozenges, Daktarin Oral Gel ect.} that:

'If your doctor is claiming that it's localized to your tounge he's an idiot. It most commonly appears in the tounge once candida becomes systemic.'

I'm confused, how does candida get to the tongue, does it:

A) travel in the bloodstream and them inhabit/colonise the tongue, well the outer mucousal layer.

B) Or does it grow from the intestines through the stomach up the oesophagus and then on the tongue?, since many alt. medicine website claims a reduced levels of acid HCl produced by the stomach cells.

C) Or does the antibotics kill the good bacteria on the tongue, and thus damage the good/bad bacterial/fungi ecosystem there, causing candida{which is not affected by antibiotics} to overgrow on the tongue, and thus is oppertunistic.

Or is it none of these, please let me know, show me proof/sources, if possible.




  1. Many times it is caused by Anti-biotics killing off the pro-biotics in your gut!!!  Gaiea herbs has a kit which can help!!!

    while taking any abti-biotic and especially one for the candida , it is vital to go heavy -like a couple of caps twice a day of a good pro-biotic like flora plus from Metagenics or florastor !!!!! In doing so you are going to the source !! Candida is present in everyone but is kept in balance by the good flora and fauna in the gut---   pro-biotics!!! That has to be restored as well as killing off the candida!!!!!

  2. Candida feeds off sugar, so where do you put this sugar?? In your mouth.

  3. Basically, when there is an overgrowth of candida, it throws the body out of whack and weakens the immune system. And the bodies pH is off, probably more acid than alkaline. The tongue and lower gut can be swarming with too much yeast and bang, symptoms.

    If candida is present in your mouth, it's also saturated in other parts of the body as well. I know first hand, because an allergist diagnosed candida and I got treatment for it. The time it took to get well was about 18 months and I still have to be careful.

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