
The Caylee Anthony Story?

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Is anyone Familiar with this story. I live in Orlando Florida and have been following this case from the beginning. What are your thoughts or views about the mother of this little girl??? A recent hearing (today) revealed that Caylee may not be alive.




  1. I have been saying this from the get go.  I am a mother and instinctively would never be without my children for less than 10 minutes much less 30 days.  The moment I heard this I said she either killed her or knows who did.

  2. I think that the mother is crazy and killed her daughter and is now trying to cover it up, whether it was accidental or not her and her TV Hogging MOTHER have something to do with the dissapearance of this little girl, even though they dont have enough evidence to process this case as a homocide yet! I think it will all peice together eventualy in the up coming months! I mean seriously who waits a month before reporting their child misisng, and she didnt even want to do it her mother ended up calling the orange county police.

    Another thing that dosent make sense is whom she dropped Caylee off with, the apartment building has been vacated since feburary 29th and this woman dosent even exist, there are only two residents in the florida area with this name and neither of them claim to know casey or Caylee.

    Now the evidence in the car arises, I think she left her daughter in the car forgetting about her and she died in her car seat and now she dosent want to go to jail or seem like the bad mother and she is covering this up as a kidnapping, I mean she went to the neighbors house of her parents home for a shovle, why would she need one in the first place, and second off the smell of a rotting pizza and the smell of a decompsoing body are two completley diffrent smells, the smell of a decomposing body is a lot more rankid and stronger. The pizza smell would hvae bene out of the vehicle by now.

    I hope god is looking out for Caylee marie but her mother shouldn't have even gotten bond, she claims she wants to help her child but yet the munipulative lies she has been telling to the orange County police dosent show me that hse wants to find her daughter alive in any way what so ever!

  3. I think this "mom" should not get bail!!! Shell just get out and run off or kill herself and well have no answers! just like the Duckett caes 2 years ago.

  4. God I can't stand Nancy Grace. She seems so into her career and her profile than she does for any missing child. As for the child, she is obviously dead. They found more evidence in the trunk of the car with more hair of Caylee than usual.

  5. This is my third question on this but.Ive always felt the gradnma knew more than she told she would never answer questions about her daughter on Nancy Grace.(if i was trying to find a child i would answer anything about anyone!!!)No exceptions of it being my daughter either.

    i missed the grandma on the stand...they said she couldnt answer where her husband worked even?

    I cant wait til hair samples come back because Im sure the hair in the car and smell the dogs were after is Caylee..poor child!!!why not give her to grandma ?instead of this?I dont understand people.....

  6. I pray she is alive and well.

  7. I think the mother killed her daughter in an attempt to cover up Caylee's accidental death. Perhaps Casey was not watching Caylee and Caylee accidentally died. An example is perhaps she was playing in a kiddy pool and feel and drowned. Casey panicked and disposed of her body.

    Also, Casey might have killed her in cold blood because she was jealous of all the attention Caylee gets from Cindy Anthony.

    This case is bizarre.

  8. I am watching the coverage and am very discouraged to hear a policeman describe using a cadaver dog in the mother's car to investigate a decomposition smell.  The dog signaled and they found hair suspected to belong to Caylee.  When they went to investigate the apartment of the babysitter she said she had dropped the daughter off at, they discovered no one had lived there for months.  She has told nothing but lies to impede the investigation, waited so long to even report her adorable daughter missing, I fear something sinister has happened to the little girl at her mother's hand.

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