
The Central a/c unit was discovered leaking gas from the evaporator piping.?

by  |  earlier

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i troubleshooted,and discovered that it was leaking from the evaporator fins..the more i rectified the leakage,the more the pipe tears,right now,it has gotten to a point that the leakage has passed through the fins and can no longer be rectified.What is the way forward?




  1. If you have a leaking coil you will probably need to replace the entire air handling unit. I know this sounds extreme, but that will be the least expensive way to get the system back in service.

    If you have been working on the unit yourself and have not evacuated it, there will be air and associated moisture in the refrigerant circuit and corrosion failure will occur.

    Depending on the age of the unit, you may want to consider replacemet of the entire system (indoor and outdoor units) at this time. An older compressor will probably be the next item to fail.

    In 2012,  refirgerant R22 will be phased out and energy mandates will force homeowners to get rid of R22 units that need repair. Nearly all home units use R22. This is because the replacement refrigerant and the Federal energy restrictions will make it legally necessary to change them to meet the new criteria for energy concerning both the silly Global Warming  scare and for compliance with the environmental laws passed in the late 1980's to reduce the supposed effect on the likewise scary "Ozone Hole".

    You can thank the U.S Congress, Rep. and Dem. , alike.

  2. change filter of gas line

    there is blokage there so extra pressure is developing causing pipe leak

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