
The Constitution?

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While joining the military, you must swear your alleagence to defend the Constittution from enemies foreign and domestic. Yada Yada Yay.

Aight in saying that, I ask this question...

When you look at politics, and at how many laws the "President and Vice President" have ignored, disregarded and generally down right broke, in relation to the United States government, in which by doing so this could threaten the very existence that we may have. Why then if we were to act, and in doing so truthfully and 100% believing that you are defending the united states constitution from enemies foreign and domestic, would be appaling. I am not saying that it is correct or right, but if the military did take that oathe, and the president has done these things then why would it be illegal for the military to take action against the president.




  1. That is an interesting question. As one of the answerers here said, it's not just Bush and Cheney — by and large the entire Congress (with a very few exceptions) has been trampling the Constitution for years, and especially with Bush, is apparently more than willing to be complicit in his lies, power grabs and end runs around due process.

    It appears they are unwilling to remove the criminals by impeachment, which is their duty, and our only peaceful recourse.

    But the military oath ... that is interesting. Given that all members of the military are also U.S. citizens, whose rights are likewise guaranteed by the Constitution.

    Thanks for the question, and the link.

  2. I have to seriously wonder if you have ever read the constitution all the way through. Please go back through and read it, as it is short enough that it should only take it 15 mins. and here is even a handy link:

    the main argument against president bush regarding the constitution was his support for the patriot act, which has been declared to ignore freedoms granted within the bill of rights and in particular the first amendment. At the time the patriot act was passed, however, it was seen as the right move since the 9/11 attacks were so recent to that. Criticism reached a high point at the beginning of Bush's second term.

    Also, the constitution gives the president a little power where he is the commander in chief of the armed forces.... yeah you might have forgotten that one.

    I may not like Bush, but if you look back through history it is very rare that a president has actually followed the constitution to its original meaning. Look at FDR who overstepped his boundaries and was eventually commended for being the man who saved us from the great depression.

  3. The simple answer is that it is not the job of the military to remove a sitting US President as they are the commander in chief and in the same oath it says that "Obey the orders of the President and Officers appointed over you."

    If Congress and the American people feel that the President has violated the law then it is their duty to impeach him/or her.  

    To have the military remove the president unilateraly without action from congress would set a very dangerous precident.  What if the military felt that a member of Congress was an "enemy"?  You would have the unelected military acting as another branch of government and you could have a military coup situation.

    So be wary of what you wish for.  Also, just because you disagree with someones policies does not make them illegal.  Since I assume your talking about Bush here are some facts.  The war was authorized by congress.  The detainees where held with the Military Commissions Act by Congress.  The wiretapping was authorized under FISA in the past.



  5. I have always thought a person is innocent until proven a court of law.

  6. The military needs to uphold their oath by defending the Constitution against its domestic enemies, the Bush regime, most Republicans and the Bush Dog Democrats.

  7. That silly piece of paper don't mean nothin no more. You need to read the patriot act thats your new constitution you have the right to remain in jail.

  8. To many of you self Righteous Liberals who hate our President should have to live in some of the countries of this hateful world where People are starving to Death because of their Greedy,Hellish rulers,and by the way," Don't you think that those Dirty COWARDS that flew the Plane's into the Twin Towers threaten our very existence and before you let your mouth get you in trouble,you might want to back up your accusation's! Sure Bush has made some mistakes,like many before him and there will be mistakes made by our future leaders but must we try to start a Military take-over because of it? I think not!

  9. The point of the Second Amendment was to protect the people from its government. Look at the Declaration of Independence: "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." Key point is "Whenever ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to alter or abolish it." The military answers to the President. States have their own military that answer to the Governor, not the President. ;-)
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