
The Constitutional warns that independence and avoided proposals

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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Although the full Constitutional Court has not yet ruled on the declaration of sovereignty the Catalan Parliament, its president, Francisco Pérez de los Cobos, recalled yesterday that its position has been for years and, therefore, continue to maintain that foreseeably the court. Taking advantage of a ceremony honors its ancestors, Perez de los Cobos said that the Constitutional already appeased both " minimization attempts as overflow draft decentralization policy " regarding the autonomous State. That is, the court presiding is setting the balance to sometimes opt for autonomous communities against the government and, in others, in favor of the central executive against decisions of autonomous communities that went beyond what the Constitution allows.

Pérez de los Cobos said that the Constitutional " has been laid on their backs the daunting task of defining a model that the constituent was legally and politically open " because it is the last judicial body to fall back on Spain.

So, extolling the importance and authority of the court on the autonomous State, complained about the lack of recognition of their contribution to the construction of it and said that although his chances are not infinite, yes it has " streamlined the structure and operation of a State atypical, lacking real examples that look, "referring to the peculiarity of the Spanish autonomous State. And he kept praising the effects of the work of a court, he said, " has helped to reduce ambiguities, clarify provisions and define areas of power." " These were some of the contributions of the Spanish Constitutional Court to democracy," said Francisco Pérez de los Cobos.

The president is so pronounced in the courthouse itself, but also to their predecessors did Miguel RodrÃ_guez- Piñero, ÃÅlvaro RodrÃ_guez- Bereijo, Manuel Jiménez de Parga, Pedro Cruz Villalon, MarÃ_a Emilia Casas and Pascual Sala, the six presidents alive, and in an act of distinction to, the delivery of the Grand Cross of the Order of San Raimundo de Penafort by the Government and in the presence of the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz- GallardÃ_n. To them, their predecessors, also referred appealing to also " worked, contributed decisively to the formation of a solid jurisprudence and constitutional doctrine without which our rule of law nor perhaps our society would not understand."

First of all, he defended the validity of the Constitution, that also stressed that, in its 35 years, has allowed " has formed a State with a degree of political decentralization perfectly comparable to the federal states, guaranteeing the nationalities and regions that compose a level of self-government that had never before enjoyed. "

The presiding judge was not the only one referred to sovereignty. Alberto Ruiz- GallardÃ_n also wanted to rule at the headquarters of the Constitutional and did paraphrase the King: " Spain is a great nation that is worth living and love, and it's worth the fight." Also paraphrased the late Francisco Tomás y Valiente, president of the Constitutional killed by ETA: "We are all State, all citizens are within him and not his bank ", an interpretation, according to the minister, "we linked to the principle of loyalty Constitution that all must respect, especially public authorities emanating from the Constitution itself. "

Alberto Ruiz- GallardÃ_n also explained how Spain has " the tools to defend the national sovereignty that resides in all of its citizens " and attributed to the Constitutional Court the ability to " expel every precept of law that contravenes or undermines " the norm, which governs the coexistence and is the result of " consensus among Spaniards from different ideological backgrounds."

 Tags: avoided, Constitutional, independence, proposals, warns


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