
The Cops Won't Help: How Can I Deal With A Dangerous Person With Mental Illness?

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I have a serious problem here. My wife's half-sister has a severe mental illness and is hurting people left and right. She jumped my wife, she tried to jump me so I couldn't be there to protect my wife, she has stabbed a family member, and her mother kicked her out of the house for attacking her with a knife and has a restraining order on her. Pretty much, her whole family has a restraining order.

We have called the police and mental health services to come and get her, but she has always escaped or lied and escaped.

She has plagued us with terrorizing phone calls, letters, but we are going to court soon and will have that as evidence.

The cops here in town don't take us seriously, even went to her house to set her straight but didn't take a photo of her that we offered to make sure it was her.

So, for ourselves to have some peace of mind, I have posted some signs around the area to be on the look out and also made a Youtube video.

I guess that's all we can do until we take her to court, but what more can we do that I have missed?

The Youtube Link:




  1. Have you thought of calling the local Department of Family and Childrens Services? DFACS

  2. Get in contact with the Department Of Social Service.

    Maybe a social worker can guide you through the process of how to manage this person.  She is a threat to society.  She needs to be locked up and treated.   Good Luck.

  3. Anytime I want the cops, I call 'em and tell them I think I heard gunshots, and they come running. When they get there point out the dangerous person.  Life is simple when you know how.

  4. WTF is that link? Why don't you link direct to youtube? How come you're masking it?

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