
The Crucible- by Arthur Miller?

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the passage when John has to recite the 10 commandments, and he forgets the one concerning adultery, then Elizabeth reminds him of it:

why is this significant? i can tell it is, i just don't know why.





  1. it is the one sin that he committed in the book. remember he had the affair with the young girl.

  2. I have not ever read The Crucible, but there are a number of online study guides, and quite a few other resources on the web that can help you with this novel.  Most of them have quite a bit of good information.  Have a look at these sites, and you should get some help with your work.  If you do a search here in the Yahoo Answers search window you will find many other sources of help as quite a few questions have been asked here about The Crucible.

  3. Does he actually forget it? Or does he not want to be so hypocritical as to recite it out loud?

  4. He didn't want to face his responsibility.  He was a pillar of society and didn't want to tarnish his reputation, but he fed her to the lions.  (Sounds familiar, still, in this day and age, doesn't it!)

  5. because he committed adultery with abigail

    ans that just happened to be the one he forgott

    ironic dont you think ??!!

    and also it backs up elizabeths suspicion of him cheating

  6. because thats the one commandment that he broke (by having an affair with abigail) and his wife and other town members know this; so its ironic that that's the only one he forgets

  7. he forgets that commandment because he committed that crime. Elizabeth (that's his wife, right?) reminds him of it and it's significant because he had to have his own wife remind him of adultery...

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