
The Cup BBC2,anyother watchers,takes you back.....?

by  |  earlier

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do the days your children were /are at kids football on a sun a.m.,hangovers,arguments,my boys better than him,the managers c**p




  1. Not half.  Mouldies, or s***w-ins with steel showing, gravel pitches, dodgy refs, physcotic parents all up and down the touchline.  Freezing cold and p1ssing of rain all of the time, but everything was fine as long as you got half an orange at half-time.

    Quality.  The young yins have got it too easy nowadays, don't know their born.

  2. someone I knew never got picked for his junior team yet faithfully turned up every week..his mother threatened to come down and have a word with the manager...not wanting to be embarassed by his mother he duly threw himself in the mud every week and told her he had got a game!!

  3. i remember watching my brother playing for the under 13's one pissin cold sunday morning and all the mad football mothers got into a fist fight..mental so it was

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