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please offer any help you can. my 8 year old daughter has been having nightmares almost every single night for the past year or so. it's always about the devil and she says that sometimes she even she's the devil's face in place of ours (mine, her sister, her grandma, etc). she says he just pops into her thoughts at the most random times and it scares her badly. she's even paranoid that demons are following her. it happens mostly when she's alone or sleeping. i've tried having her fall asleep listening to music or watching a disney movie or something, but nothing helps. it's constant and i hate seeing my daughter scared all the time.

when this stuff isn't happening, she's a very happy and outgoing little girl. class clown even. and there's not much going on in our lives for her to be stressed out about. any thoughts?????




  1. Pyshractrist ASAP and..............shower her in Holy Water (the power of christ will compel her!)

  2. WHY is it worse if a kid says they see a devil (even if the kid actually knows what the devil is)

    If a kid says they are being frightened by the monster in the closet, everyone says " dont be silly honey, theres no such thing". BUT as soon as the devil is mentioned * PANIC STATIONS*

    Is it REALLY the devil they are seeing? or is it something more sinister?

    is your child being tormented by older kids, OR,dare i say this ,being abused by someone? & the only way they see it , instead of seeing that person, they see what they assume to be "THE DEVIL"

    Take her see a Doctor, if need be a get a Psych consult

    There's always more than meets the eye

    She may be "out going" &" the class clown"

    But what is locked away DEEP in the subconcious????

  3. psychiatrist maybe...


    To see the devil in your dream, signifies negative aspects of yourself. It may also indicate feelings of guilt that you have been harboring. It is time to release these feelings. Alternatively, the devil may represent intelligence, cunningness, deception, and cleverness.

    To dream that you fought off the devil, symbolizes that you will succeed in defeating your enemies.

    To dream that the devil talks to you, signifies that you will find some temptations hard to resist even though you know it is not in your best interest.

    To dream that you and the devils were in friendly terms, suggests that you may be seduced and tempted into doing something you do not want to do. You may be dealing with issues of morality.


    To see Satan in your dream, denotes that there is some wrongdoing or evil workings in your life or environment.

  4. Something is evoking her behavior. It could be a certain movie or television shown or maybe it's about the actual religion. She could be afraid of death. When I was 10 years old I went through a phase when I reazlied my mortality and was terrified of death.

    This is more serious then you think.

    You need to take action and take your daughter to a child psychologist. They can help you from there.

    Good luck with your daughter.

  5. Are you being serious?

    Well maybe she saw a scary movie she shouldn't have, even if you didn't notice. When I was little I used to sneak into the living room at night and watch what my parents were watching. My mom loved horror movies, and I ended up with nightmares.

    OR Your house might be haunted. Believe it or not. Children are much more sensitive to sensing the super-natural.

    Try some lucky charms, incense and prayers of any type. Cleanse your home and bless her. You don't have to do 'magic' but you can at least improve the energies around you with positive 'rituals'

    It could just be a habit she formed somehow. Ask her can you start trying to picture us as angels instead? Or some creative exercise to break that train of thought.

    Maybe she has some type of mental illness. I'm just going through all options I know of. I had a type of "psychosis" very young where I would occasionally see things and be very upset but it improved and happened less as I aged.

    Good Luck.

  6. Maybe she show a movie or show on TV that she shouldn't have.  Or even a commercial.  How does she know about demons?  Maybe there is a friend or someone at school that has told her about a movie or something like that- most likely someone with older siblings.  Just becuase you can't think of anything you or her can be stressed about, doesn't mean your 8 yr. old hasn't found something to worry about.  I'd get her into some counseling to see if they can help.

  7. Talk to a priest so they can bless your house.

  8. when i was 7-9 i had the problem, or maybe its paranormal you no like ghost, demons a ghost hunter or something like it. if that's not the case then see a psychiatrist or a sleep clinic or maybe a school bully i hgope she get better

  9. if this is true then you should know that it is ime for some professional help for her. Also contact a priest or minister to talk to her about it

  10. Couple of thoughts.  One - go to church and have elders pray over her as one poster said.  Second - is it possible she could be bipolar?  Does it run in the family?  Take her to your pediatrician for a referral to a psychologist.  It could be a medical problem like bipolar or it could be something psychological but in any case it has gone on too long to do nothing.  Please do something soon for both of you! Good luck in finding out what it is.

  11. OK I'm twelve and I had That exact same problem in fact I made my mom sleep in my room for a month when I was ten.  I was always having bad dreams about that subject. What helped me was my mom always told me to control my dreams she said "It is your dream if you don't like change it". So I would repeat to myself right before I fall asleep it is my dream. In my dream I would end up putting the devil in jail or killing him.  I know this sounds out there and violent and like I have a problem but I don't. It might help try it!

  12. go to a physiologist immediately,and then u can go to the church with her and tell this story to the prist .

  13. Keep people who believe the devil exists away from her. If you're one of them, then she doesn't need a psychiatrist, you do.

  14. She needs to speak with a pastor or priest. Someone with religious experience.

  15. that is werid the devils face was in the fire at the twin towers to

  16. i always watch horror movies and they say the devil always comes when their by themslvs..and love and family is strong make sure you praise her alot by saying mommy loves you very much and mean it wth your heart....if that does nt wrk i really dnt knw!

  17. I would start going to a non-denominational church and talk with the pastor. Have the pastor pray over your daughter and rebuke the devil in Jesus's name. The devil and demons are very real, just like God and angels are. I promise you once she is prayed over she will be better and the devil will go away..... he has too!!

    Especially when a prayer is said in Jesus's name. When ever your daughter feels scared she can say Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and Jesus will come to your daughter. I would also start praying with her every night and reading her bible stories before bed. You can email me if you want to talk, just go to my page and click the email me link. Good Luck Sweetie!! God Bless!!!!!

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