
The Daily Mail reports that Kate McCann refused to answer 48 questions set by the Portugese police, except

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this one: 'Are you aware that in not answering the questions you are jeopardizing the investigation, which seeks to discover what happened to your daughter?' Her reply is said to be: 'Yes, if that's what the investigation thinks.' Even though a refusal to answer such questions would not be allowed to hold a primary sway in making a verdict in a court, it is still reason for the Portugese police to be suspicious about why Kate McCann would refuse to answer such questions unless she had something, whatever it is, to hide. Therefore, it would have been irresponsible if the police hadn't made her a suspect. The facts that we know are that a door was left unlocked and Madeleine disappeared. The door was unlocked because her parents left it unlocked which seems reasonable as a means of escape in case of a fire but is not reasonable given that a small child can find ways to injure themselves or, indeed, something that has not been mentioned, simply walk out of the room herself and injure herself outside of her room.

Why were her parents made the prime suspects? Because if they, or one of them, HAD done it either accidentally or deliberately, then they had the most opportunity and an alibi that shifts blame to an unproven intruder (the unlocked door). But it is Kate McCann's refusal, arrogant at best or deceitful at worst, to answer the Portugese police's questions, which means that the police could not regard her as neutral in this matter in the circumstances.

My simple question is, do you agree?




  1. I do agree it was reasonable. In fact in all cases of alleged child abduction the parents are the first suspects to be looked at because as you say they have the greatest opportunity and often the only motive.

    Also I would like to say that there is a strong case  that the McCann's leaving three very young children alone for any length of time, door locked or unlocked constitutes child neglect or child abandonment. I would warrant that had they been two mixed race teen parents from Brixton who had nicked down the local for a pint anstead of two white doctors having a civilised meal in a very nice resort restaurant there would have been fewer fundraising efforts and a lot more calls for their blood (physical or metaphorical).

    They have never once tried to puiblicly accept responsibility for having endangered their children. And it is not possible to say they did not endanger their children when you consider what happened to one of them.I find it hard to feel much sympathy for them and that surprises me. I am usually a soft touch for these stories. but I am suspicious of those two. It is not reasonable or admissable. It is probably quite wrong to admit it but there it is. They do not come across right to me. (hearsay and innuendo but an honest opinion nonetheless.)

  2. I do

  3. I agree. Kate's refusal to answer simple questions does seem odd. One of the questions makes a fair point, why when she noticed her daughter was missing, did she then proceed to leave the other two in the apartment ALONE and go back to the table to raise the alarm?? How did she know the abductor still wasn't around?

    Whilst everyone criticises the lack of evidence that subsequently lead to the McCann's being made suspects, it's worth remembering that even in the UK, people have been convicted of crimes they didn't commit, based on flimsy evidence and to a certain extent circumstantial. Barry George springs to mind.

    I think based on the evidence, the PJ's had no choice but to make them suspects. Kate and Gerry's don't seem to realise that just because they are Dr's does not give them a 'get out of jail free card' neither does it mean we should just take their word for everything they say as they seem to think we all should


    To Kiki below...What IF, she was already dead BEFORE they went out to dinner??????We don't know do we?? And THAT'S the point, for the Police to uncover the truth, EVERY angle and aspect needs to be considered and out-ruled..a process of elimination.

    Let me ask you something Kiki..if her parents were working- class 'chavs' would you STILL have the same certainty that her parents were not involved? You seem remarkably sure of the events of that evening, even though you weren't there. I keep an open mind because that IS the only way to look at this case, no one knows what happened, and until I see evidence that her parents couldn't have been involved, they will to me, always remain POSSIBLE suspects in my eyes. Do I feel sorry for them? NO, because them and their selfishness alone put themselves in this position. NO ONE in their right mind goes out at night and leaves three TODDLERS ALONE in an UNLOCKED appartment they themselves didn't like  the security of just days before her 'abduction'.

  4. USUALY when people refuse to aswer questions , but not always, they are hiding some thing that could go against them, but i am informed that it is acceptable in PORTUGAL. I would have thought though that a MUM would have done ANYTHING, to get her baby back.

  5. I posted this very questions some hours ago. My verdict of the McCanns is and always will be - guilty!

    Any mother would and should be only to happy to answer any questions which may lead to the discovery of her missing child. Even if it proved her guilty of child neglect or administering medicine to aid the children into sleeping heavily so she and her husband could go out. These things, I would even go to jail for, if it got my child back safe and sound! But not Kate and Gerry McCann, they were too busy protecting their own public image!! Fishy, you bet ya!!!

  6. My simple answer is, no.

  7. I agree

  8. I certainly do

  9. I think these parents are at best incompetent, selfish nitwits.  No parent goes off to have dinner and leaves 3 children unattended.  

    If the Daily Mail's story is true, and the parents left a door unlocked "in case of fire" - what in the h*ll were they thinking?  The twins were too young to get out without adult help.  Madeleine was old enough to physically propel herself from the residence but was in no way old enough to understand when something was a danger and she should get out.

    It's also been reported in multiple sources from the very beginning that the parents have stonewalled investigators more than they have helped.  Truly makes no sense.

    At best incompetent, selfish nitwits.  At worst .... I'm sure we all have our suspicions.

  10. I have no idea I haven't even read your post, once I got to 'Daily Mail' I switched off.  But I need another point.

    Daily Mail readers.  

    I despair.

    I really do.

  11. My simple answer is, no.

    I thought the '48 questions' were asked after they were made suspects, so the reason she did not answer them (probably on her lawyers advice) is because she did not want to be framed for a 'crime' she is innocent of and the search for her missing daughter would have then ended. Think about it.

    Her parents were made suspects because the PJ clearly had absolutely nothing else to go on and were under increasing world wide media pressure to solve the case, the McCanns were without a doubt made scapegoats.  

  12. No I don't agree. And anyone who has ever seen an interrogation understands the kind of questions that the police will ask. I wonder if her lawyer was there, if he wasn't, I can see why she wouldn't answer, and if he was, she was probably advised not to answer. No answering is a normal process from someone who knows they are a suspect. I would certainly refuse to answer if I thought the police suspected me.

    Once again, the police have wasted time going after the easy suspect instead of fully investigating the case. Wasting valuable time, and lazily pointing the fingers at the parents. She was with two ( i think it was 2 or 3) other couples eating in the courtyard when her daughter disappeared. How could she have done it???????

  13. as much as i hate the Mail, i do think there is summat dodgy with the parents, and i DO think they neglected her.

  14. Yes, the more this comes out the worse it is looking for them.

    If this isnt hampering the investigation i dont know what is :)

  15. Yes, I agree.

  16. I think kate is arrogant, deceitful and very conniving. The questions were easy enough to answer for an innocent person and anyone who loves their child wouldn't hesitate in helping in any and everyway they could. I believe the child died that day and that all the answers to all the questions lie at the door of the parents and their assistants.

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