
The Dark Knight and Batman question? Spoiler.?

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In the Dark Knight, at the end Batman saves the Joker, at the end of Batman, with Jack Nicholson as the Joker, Batman doesn't save him, why doesn't he save him in the first movie?




  1. The Dark Knight movie was based on the comic book of the same name.  In that series batman really struggles with his decision to kill the Joker but in the end realizes that not killing him is what keeps him different.  The new movies with Cristian Bale are following the comics more closely so you can expect to see more introspective moments like that one.

  2. Because they forgot to remember that batman is supposed to never kill anyone ever, just arrest them, but never kill anyone.

  3. Very simple.

    Two different writers.

  4. In the new Batman, a characteristic of Batman is that he cannot let anyone die.  In the Dark Knight, while in the holding cell, the Joker tells Batman that tonight he would have to break his one rule.  He then tells him he has to choose who to save.  This implies that Batman's rule is that he cannot purposefully let someone die, everyone has a right to have justice served, not just revenge.  That's why Batman saves the Joker at the end of the movie.  

  5. Basically, the first filmmakers screwed up. Batman's one rule is that he will never kill anyone (as seen in Batman Begins) and he never uses guns (because his parents were killed by guns). But in the first movie, he not only uses guns but kills more than one person.

    I think they did it because they thought the audience (who wasn't all together familiar with Batman) would want to see the villain get his comeuppance.

    But the guy above me is very right in what he said too. The joker's goal was to get Batman to break his one rule. Everything the Joker did was to try to get Batman so angry that he would kill him. But Batman knew that if he killed the Joker, it was a line he could never uncross, and thus the Joker would have won.

  6. Who knows. It was supposed to be a certain ending showing how it happily ended. But in the new one they mixed and matched many things. I think a new one will come out soon. So watch that and find out what happens.

  7. I haven't seen the Jack Nicholson version to be honest, but I have seen the Dark Knight. Bale's Batman is supposed to be a watchful protector, and Ledger's Joker had already "killed" another "white knight" - Harvey Dent. Batman sees that when Joker taunts him about it. Joker has twisted Dent's mind so Dent has become the monster that is Two Face.

    Batman knows he can't become that, because he knows Gotham needs him to be 'whatever they want him to be' - and so cannot kill the Joker, because he can't contradict who he is. Batman's not supposed to kill. I think it was just emphasising that Batman symbols good whilst Joker symbolises evil.

    Hope this helps!

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