
The Dark Knight and other movies, Mumma Mia!?

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Some questions i have

1) Has Mumma Mia! been more successful than Dark Knight?

2) Which to you is the better film?

3) How comes, in the UK, Mumma Mia! is more popular?

4) In the UK Mumma Mias more popular, in the US Dark Knight and world wide its Dark Knight, so which would appear more popular/succesful to the UK?

Which one seems most popular overall?

5) Which film have you seen the most?




  1. 1) no

    2) batman

    3) it isnt dont know where you gt that from

    4)dark knight is more succesful in uk worldwide and in america

    5) dark knight

  2. i cant be bothered answering all your questions so THE DARK KNIGHT is my answer

  3. 1) Dark Knight has been more successfull, it's earned more although at my cinema mamma mia has been constantly sold out every night since it came out

    2)Mamma mia, i'm a chick flick girl

    3)Cause it rules ;)

    4)It depends on peoples tastes, i'd say that the dark knight is more popular to see as a once off perhaps because of Heath Ledger but for chick flick people like me i'd go see mamma mia again and again. Heath Ledger was more popular in the US.

    5)Mamma Mia!!!! Saw it once in England, then went on holiday to where it was filmed and watched it in an open air cinema there with greek subtitles lol It was wicked!

  4. The Dark Knight has been and will be forever more popular that Mamma Mia but i have seen both and each as its pros and cons. My son is 15 and has seen the Dark Knight 4 times and i have seen Mamma Mia twice and the Dark Knight once.

    The DArk night is just like the title says very Dark . Heath Ledger was amazing. The storyline and the special effects were out of this world.The only thing i didn't care for was Maggie G. (I can't spell her last name sorry) character.

    Mamma Mia was a brightly colored film it had a  ton of singing dancing and it was an overall feel good movie. The acting was not up to par but they are actors not singers.And it is a musical. I enjoyed it better and would go again especially now that they have released a sing along version.

  5. well its different cuz it depends on your opinion.

    i prefer mama mai but I'm a 15 year old girl so its not really fare

    you cant judge them because there is a different population and different tastes in different countries  

  6. How many Fans can you find between Dark Knight and Mamma Mia?

  7. you've got it wrong, "Mumma Mia" is spelled as "MAMMA MIA"


    i like mamma mia better than the dark knight although dark knight is not that bad

  8. I think they were each successful in their own way. Dark Knight did very well even by blockbuster standards, and Mama Mia did well for a musical.  

  9. 1) I saw the Dark Knight

    2) I love the Dark Knight

    3) Never heard of Mumma Mia!

    4) What the h**l is Mumma Mia!

  10. 1) obviously not

    2) Dark Knight

    3) All the old people and adults go to watch it, where only people aged 12-21 go to see batman

    4) Well i live in the UK, and the Dark Knight seems more successful to me

    5) Ive seen the Dark Knight the most

    6) Its Mamma Mia!, not Mumma Mia!

  11. 1) No. Dark Knight is one of the highest grossing films of all time.

    2) Easily Dark Knight. It's not even a comparison.

    3) It isn't more popular in the UK. Only by 30 year old women.

    The rest of your questions are lame.

  12. 1. I think The Dark Knight has probably been more successful...

    2. The Dark Knight was definitely better!

    3. I guess in the UK there was more advertising on Mamma Mia than The Dark Knight (I think there was from what I saw...)

    4. Well I think Mamma Mia was seen by more people in the UK... but The Dark Knight was seen more times by people... but I don't really understand this question...

    5. I've seen both films once but I'm going to see The Dark Knight again because I really enjoyed it! (But I didn't like Mamma Mia... killed ABBA slightly for me...)

    And I'm oin the UK...

  13. 1 no

    2 the dark knight

    3 i don't know

    4 dark knight

    5 dark knight

    6 dark knight

    7 dark knight, us

  14. 1) No, the dark knight has grossed over $850m worldwide. I believe is just behind Titanic now, as the biggest grossing movie of all time.

    2)The Dark Knight is better

    3)In the UK, Mamma Mia has not been mor poular, it may have taken more in the previous week - but the Dark Knight has been out for ages, and it is more than likely people will sit through singing more than once, rather than a rather dark and brutal action movie.

    4)This answers this question too

    5)I have seen both once, and that was enough for both :)

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