
The Datura Plant????

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have read many things on the internet about the datura experience and am very sketchy about tryin it. I was wondering if someone has tried them and had any recomendations.. Explain an experience if you can and the dose you took.




  1. It can kill you.  Almost no one has a good time from it.

  2. I've never tried the plant myself, but I did a report on it in my Botany class.  From what I've read, most of the people who've tried to get high from scopolamine have overdosed quickly, many of them dying.  Part of this was because the effect took longer than they were expecting (it doesn't work as quickly as marijuana or other illicit drugs), but many of them simply hadn't measured it out properly.

    If you do decide to try it, make sure you do so in extreme moderation.  Like I said, many people overdosed because they thought it wasn't working.  If it doesn't feel like it is, do not redose.  Many of its effects aren't all that noticable.  It's been described like a "living dream," and we all know that dreams feel very real while you're having them.

    Here are several side effects that are common when you take datura stramonium:

    Extreme pupil dilation

    Flushed, warm

    Dry skin

    Dry mouth

    Urinary/excretory retention

    Faster heart beat

    Essentially, it dries you out somethin' fierce.

    On the other hand, some signs of overdose are very high body temperature (104-109), respiratory arrest, and in severe cases, coma.  If you feel like you have overdosed (and are still conscious enough to do anything about it), don't be shy.  Tell someone immediatly if you can and get to a hospital ASAP.  Keep in mind that with just a small amount, the effects can last for days.

    Good luck I 'spose, and I hope you stay safe about it.

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