
The Day After Tomorrow...?

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Can you give me some examples of global warming from The Day After Tomorrow and include a little explanation?





  1. That movie is nonsense.

    Global warming is not going to cause the world to freeze.  Especially in a few days.

    It won't be a Hollywood style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

    Most scientists say, in 20-50 years. But we need to start right now to fix it, fixing it will take even longer than that.

  2. ICE ... THE END

  3. "The Day After Tomorrow" is a Heinlein science fiction story, and has nothing to do with global warming -- which is also science fiction.

  4. That movie was So F'n stupid.  It was written by stupid people, for stupid people.

  5. well, the freezing was because after every period of global warming, there is a period of global cooling, and because of the severity of the global warming, the cooling period was much more drastic than any ice age in the past.  that was a great movie!

  6. Global Heating caused a massive hurricane to engulf the united states, somehow the warming made a second ice age because after warming there had to be a huge cooling.

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