
The Democratic Party has always favored active government involvement in the lives of citizens?

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  1. My guess is false...

  2. false. Until the 1930's the difference between parties centered about trade, tariffs, labor laws and financial policies, like the free coinage of silver as well as slavery. In response to the depression the federal government under democrats took an active role in providing for the poor and the old with warfare programs and social security. In recent decades congress   and the president passes a law or program to address every problem, but much of it like   the war on drugs, and no child left behind have bipartisan support

  3. OMG...of course its true!  AND IT CONTINUES TODAY!

  4. True,  This is not a good thing.

  5. False. During Clinton's tenure, we had the smallest government on record.

    Bush's? Well, we pretty much have Big Brother spying on us every step of the way.

    Isn't that right, Darth Cheney?

  6. In some ways this is true. But there have been periods of time when people didn't dislike the government as much as they do now... so government wasn't seen as such a bad thing.

    Like always, government builds roads, regulates commerce, maintains public order and so on -- that's direct involvement in life at the taxpayer's expense, but not necessarily something we'd object to. These roles of government were more of a focus earlier in our history because with a lack of mass media people were more focused on local impact -- now, these roles less visible and we see more of the negative effects of government involvement.

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