
The Difference Between Game?

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Heres how this works. I'm going to choose 2 wrestlers. Then I'm going to say one big difference between them. Then in you're answer you put a big difference between them. Try not to repeat other people's answers. If I get enough answers then I will do this again in a couple days. Okay here we go.

Triple H and Undertaker

One big difference between Triple H and Undertaker is that half the time when Triple H is in a match and is supposed to win, he just buries his oppenent. When Undertaker is in a match that he is supposed to win, he still puts his oppenent over during the match to show that the oppenent isn't nothing.





  1. triple h is a sell out who plays too the crowd where as undertaker dont give a rats as$ if the crowd likes him or not

    hhh was better when he did not give 2 s**+ts what the crowd thought now he sucks i cant stand the wrestlers who play to the crowd cena hhh only one i can stand is hbk  

  2. Triple H gets stuff handed to him since he is the son in law while Undertaker works hard  

  3. There are so very,very,very,very many differences between the 2 of them hmmm let's see.Triple H or Triple Hemriods as i call him is nothing,but a backstage political b*****d who uses his power in order to help himself(i mean really how can this @sshole even have a f.u.c.k.i.n' fanbase?),were as The Undertaker uses his power the way pro wrestlers with backstae power in their respective companies should be using,which is to help the new guys.

  4. Hmmmmmmmmmmm........oh here's one. The Undertaker doesn't rely on his wife and father in law to get him championships.

  5. triple hhh is the wwe champion and undertaker isn't

  6. undertaker has 16-0 at wrestlemania and triple h doesnt

    triple h uses an object (sledgehammer) to fight and undertaker doesnt

    triple h has been the wwe champ WAY more times than undertaker

  7. taker earns titles

    HHH doesnt earn all titles

  8. taker is a good person.

    hhh is an @ss.

  9. Thats because Undertaker is a better person than Triple H

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