
The Difference between Ego and Self-Worth/Respect?

by Guest64094  |  earlier

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aaaaaannnnddddd, GO!




  1. Ego is your self-image. The ego is your self-principle and how you interpret things that are relevant to you.

    Self-worth is your perception of yourself. Using your ego, you analyse what you have done and come to a conclusion about how you should feel. Obviously, depression and other issues can change that perception by affecting the ego.

  2. Man! I need to know that!!!!!

  3. self worth and respect is not allowing others to take advantage of you..... not letting your value be dictated to you by anyone....keeping your moral compas while others cave to the whims of the mainstream........thats self respect

    ego is bending like a tool to see your reflecton in every become what others want, not knowing what you think till you ask three of your friends......taking advantage of others to get ahead...not caring who you hurt to get what you want.....thats ego

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