
The Difference between a gun and a needle for piercing the cartilage???

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I want to get my cartilage pierced for my 16th birthday... but i have heard so much on get it done with a needle rather than the gun... and vis versa that i dont know what to choose??? and if i do get it done with a needle do i just go to like a tattoo parlor that does piercings??? and what can happen if i do get it done with a gun like at claires???




  1. Gross! Get it done with a needle for sure!

    The difference with a gun and needle is that a gun just tears through all of your cartilage, but a needle glides right through the cartilage.

    Needles are way cleaner and easier. Plus healing the piercing is much quicker and less painful than with a gun (and with a gun the risk of infection is so much more likely).

    And besides, if you ever decide to take the piercing out after getting it done with a gun it's going to be scarred. A needle will not scar as bad as a gun.

  2. my friend did my cartilage with a safety pin..not the safest method, but it never got infected. i'd recommend going to a tattoo parlor instead of claire's. I've been to claire's and they have gotten infected. one time the gun got stuck on my ear and they messed one of my piercings up. when I went to the tattoo parlor they do it with sterile needles and a cork. I talked to the woman doing mine and she said that needles are better and she put a hoop in my piercing after because it heals better that way. Claire's method is cheap and easy, but not as safe. It could work out either way though. If you live in southern cali then go to Think Ink...i think on ventura blvd. I like them.

  3. okay theres pros and cons for both . for the needle its more likely it wont get infected but it will hurt REALLY bad . With the gun its quick and painless . but its at more risk of getting infected . dont run when you hear the word infected . it just means youll have to look after it more .

  4. The gun pokes a hole through the cartilage, while the needle is hollow and actually removes a little piece of the cartilage where the jewelry is placed.

    Both have risks, but I have heard that those who use the needle sometimes end up with a bubble on the back. However, I believe this is from too-tight jewelry that hasn't been allowed to breathe.

    I pierced my own cartilage (which I do NOT recommend) with a safety pin. This is essentially the same as the needle, because it just poked a hole. I didn't have many problems with it, but I cleaned it very often and let the jewelry breathe by taking the back off the earring without removing the actual earring itself.

    You run a risk either way because piercing is body mutilation, but I would recommend going to a professional piercer rather than a sales associate at claire's.

  5. A gun is much less sterile, and with the cartilage it can cause damage with a gun rather than a needle.

  6. i wouldn't go to claires. my ears got infected from there

    i would go to blue banana, really clean, and they do loads of different ear piecings

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