
The Dirty Secret of the High Definition Format War - Interesting?

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  1. While it might have been true for Beta vs VHS, the HD DVD vs Blu-ray war is over. HD DVD is dead and the p**n industry are releasing on Blu-ray.

    The argument is that given the ease with which p**n is available via the Internet and on DVD the p**n industry doesn't have nearly the influence on video formats that it did a decade ago.

  2. Well, since I remember the Betamax/VHS wars, I do find it kind of interesting to see this again. But then, I didn't need an article to tell me about it--it's been coming for a while. And honestly, I am not even really terribly surprised that it's being fought on the p**n front.

    I guess the main thing is that I am not terribly concerned with p**n. The HD-DVD format seems to be winning? Swell, can't wait for those interactive menus!

    Seriously, I do think it's a bit weird to have such a small part of the market decide for the rest of us, but I know from having a husband who worked in video for a very long time that p**n is a solid little nugget of profit in the film industry (though I am not sure the stuff even qualifies as film).

    It will be interesting to see how it goes. I am not a prude, I just don't think that p**n is very interesting. The last time I saw something where I thought it would be interesting to see the p**n associated with it was when I watched "8MM", and that technically wasn't p**n, the film in question was the always mysterious, often discussed but never seen "snuff" film (when I say never seen, I mean in real life).

    I guess if they made p**n with a great story, good acting, and interesting characters, I'd be more likely to watch, but as it is, I guess I will let someone else buy it up, and make my HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray decision for me. After they've taken it to the mattress (no pun intended), and decided on the victor, I will buy my discs accordingly. And while some of them may very well be rated more than R, it will be for violence or horror, not for boobies. Boobies are mundane. A good neck-slashing scene--now that's art!

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