
The Dominant Sign , What is it all about ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i know that the Sun Sign represents the inner you and i know that the Ascendant represents how people see you , but the Dominant Sgn? i don't get it.....Do you?




  1. First of all there is no such a thing as dominant sign. Although there is such a thing as a dominant aspect in your natal chart, for example if your chart repeatedly states about a personality type, e.g. easily influenced or impulsive, then that aspect is strong in you.

    2nly you were right about your sun sign which represents the inner you, but your moon sign represents your personality not your ascendant. Your ascendant represents your destiny.  

  2. never heard anything about a dominant sign except the sun or ascendant....? Any extra info you can add? Thanks....

    ****Duh! LOL! (can you tell I'm a!)

    ***Hmmm...let's give it a sun is in Sagittarius, My rising is in Capricorn....I have 3 planets in Scorpio and 3 planets in Sagittarius....looking at my placements and aspects I think it is pretty darn close....a toss up between Scorpio and Sagittarius...I am going to go with my gut and say Scorpio may indeed be my Dominant sign....emotionally - lol....? still green when it comes to trying to read charts and aspects and not to hold it against me too much! ;)

    ***Hmm...**** okay...Sagittarius is my Dominant sign....that's fitting...

    ***What's with the TD's?!!!! At least I can admit that I am not an expert but I am not afraid of trying and at least learning something.....If we do not jump in to learn then we stay in the background never getting any real hands on experience (so to speak)...we don't really learn that way (I don't) least I try to get involved!

    ***LOL..' I Know!'  ;)'s the fricking gets annoying when you try to learn something new and you feel like you are being 'boo-ed'...whatever! LOL! I think I'm a bit moody today...woke up too early this morning for my! Sorry everybody!

    ***Bobby - I thought the ascendant was the mask of our true selves and our sun was our true selves but our moon was our inner desires.....?

  3. In all reality, most people usually have more than one dominant planet in their charts. Dominant planets can be simply classified as those planets which exert a more than average amount of influence on the native's character/personality.

    The Sun, Moon are not necessarily dominant planets in a person's chart. The Ascendant rules the first House and by this rule of thumb, the planet ruling the Ascendant would be considered the Chart Ruler and hence, the first dominant planet in the chart.

    Apart from that, other dominant planets are -

    -those found in the First House, esp. very close to the Ascendant. All 1st House planets get highlighted and their traits magnified in the native's personality

    -those on the Midheaven (MC) or found very close to/conjunct the MC. Since the MC rules how we go about manifesting ourselves in the social sphere and our career aspirations etc, any planets found here will exert significant influence on these areas as well

    -The Apex Planet in a T-square, if it exists. This planet which squares the other 2 opposing planets, usually works as the 'mediator' role and in most cases, creates much tension on the individual. At the same time, some kind of resolution can be hoped to be achieved through careful analysis of the planet's traits, sign/house placements.

    -if a stellium (cluster of 3 or more planets) is found in a particular sign, then of course the lessons of that sign are highlighted in the native's chart

  4. 1.its your sun 2.its your ascendant [rising] then 3.your moon [emotions]  

  5. i am guessing that indicate which sign has the most influence on you in your overall chart.


    well the number one dominant sign has the most influence on you. e.g. your sun will behave according to scorpio, your emotions and your thinking will all have a touch of scorpio because that sign is strongest. lets say you had a sun in Leo but the dominant sign is scorpio, you will not look or have many Leo attributes, you would be a Leo who likes to do things the scorpio way. just a guess.

  6. Good question - LOL Doesn't make sense - need more info maybe

    Maybe it's an issue of semantics or terminology? Need to see how the word or term was used.

    Posted later

    Ok  then this person is indicating the "predominant" (I think)

    But that rule of three - never heard of it.

    If you have a predominance of many planets in a sign and/or in a house - this can be a strong influence in your chart .

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