
The Dow is now at the same point when Bush took office. Is this good or bad?

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  1. Its actually bad. During his 8 years inflation is supposed to take it up around 4%/year.

  2. It's actually much, much worse.

    The dollar is way low, housing prices are way low. The banks have foreclosed on properties that are worth less than what the mortgae balance is.

    Big trouble. Time to get a Democrat in office - at all levels and all branches of the government.

    There are fewer rich folk who have more money than ever. The middle class is disappearing.

    Savage, big business Republicans need to be tossed out of office as soon as is possible.

  3. During the Clinton admin, the DOW was in a hyper bubble that did not represent true wealth.  The market now actually represents a more accurate picture of wealth than it did in the 90's.

  4. It's bad due to inflation. Try comparing the value of the U.S. Dollar when he took office to what it is now.

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