
The Drum of Little Tinten. Have You Heard of My Son?

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On drum my Tinten played a note

One dum dum dum I remember,

He played it in the month of March

In September and December.

And how he loved that little drum

And sticks of fibre and of wood,

He played it with a sweeter smile

And all he played was soft and good.

My Tinten was of age but three

When first I bought for him the drum:

He looked at me, he looked at drum,

How happy then did he become!

And when he grew to age of six,

When he was still and still a boy,

He said, "My dad, this drum, it is

The greatest gift that brought me joy"

And when he was of age but seven

My fair and little Tinten died,

My little boy, he walked to heaven

And oh, this drum was left aside

Now no one plays on it a song,

No dum dum dum is played on it,

"The drum is silent as I am"

As on his headstone it is writ.

By yours, Jay, "The Silver Bells"




  1. the little drum of Tinten

    not left aside...

    right inside.

    nice poem SB.

  2. Jay---beautifully written but his song is still beating in your heart with each and every breath.

  3. Lovely, Jay...but there is an echo which will resound throughout eternity.

  4. Oh my, what a moving poem.  It is beautiful and beautifully written.  I am sure there is a dum dum dum playing up above.

  5. Lovely. Very enjoyable read. TD

  6. Very touching, and the echoes of the drum go on.

  7. Lovely, sad

  8. Well penned.  Flows, and message carried.  My compliments.

  9. Sad, but beautifully written.

    You, my friend, have the touch.

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