
The EU, where did it all go wrong?

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I seem to remember it was the European ECONOMIC Community, not a bunch of bureaucrats ruling us from Europe, as Gordon Brown sells us further down the river.




  1. it went wrong when it was mentioned that the UK was throwing more & more money, into the EU cap,

    now they want the money they gave us for Regeneration, BACK.


    because the coffers are emptying fast, since Poland joined.

    my guess?

    the idea is NOW to drag us down to their level, rather than concentrate on bring them up to ours!

  2. It never was a plan for just the EEC. Ted Heath lied to the British.  Reading this will help.


  3. When it changed from being a Common Market to a political body ruled by non-elected autocrats.

  4. The 'Common Market' we joined was what the term implied: a trading agreement. All nations in Europe were able to trade with concessions to each other. When we joined there were seven countries.

    It went wrong when decisions started to be made to make a super state; creating new members until saturation point; a one party super state with representation from each individual country.

    In Britain there were problems, the Native Briton would not readily accept such a state. the Native Briton was an independent guy who liked the Idea of ruling himself, making his own laws and dying for his own values. He did not and still does not want to be part of a western style 'Soviet Block' but there was and is much corruption and many influences with different agendas that are working against the Native Briton's interests.

    Then a communist Government

    How do you get over such a stubborn race as the Native Briton: easy, get rid of them; change immigration laws, encourage mass immigration and ethnically cleanse the communities that have been here for centuries, ensure their culture is wiped out and create a mixed diversity of people only to happy to please the masters that have allowed this new crowd into the country, easy. After all as long as the Native Briton can buy a pint he can be controlled.

    That's what went wrong.

    ATB Red

  5. This is what happens when you give people to much power. You asked for it now live with it.

    That's why I don't want any of these BS scams in the US. It's just another way to have power over the people, take your land away from you, take your rights away from you and I am not talking about wire taps I am talking about speech and other rights that we take for granite. You see it happening now already trying to pass laws that say you can't talk about people's sexual orientation or you will be breaking federal law. I ask you this what is our first amendment right, freedom of speech so much for that so they don't like a talk radio because it doesn't agree with what they are saying so we try to pass laws to limit what they can say about a political party or person. Now they want to come in and build toll roads with private funds so they need your land to bad you got to go we don't care if your family has owned it for generations we want so we are going to take it from you.

  6. Cos some beaurocratic r soal thought it would fill his urse and pkeep him in a job for life, just like the current situation in the UK. A.P.

  7. Thats were it is going wrong.We are being dictated to by the EU.I have always been against us going in.We got the vote & people voted to go in then we got the vote to stay or come out

    yet again we got the vote & people voted to stay in.

  8. Good question.  I think it all went wrong because the world is constantly changing and peoples' perceptions change.  Along with the fact that the European ideal has turned, like all political ideals, into nothing more that gravy trains, jobs for the boys and bureaucracy.

  9. Minority of one time again.

    It hasn't all gone wrong. Western Europe has seen peace for sixty years, partly due to the closer ties between nations. Nations in Western Europe have seen GDP rise, and prosperity increase. I'm not sure that admitting former Soviet bloc nations so soon was a good idea, but if it maintains the peace in potentially unstable Eastern Europe, it's worth it.

    When you join a club, you agree to a set of rules - on occasions this means someone else makes decisions you would prefer to make yourself.

    But, as someone once said to me: "What's the difference between being governed by some b*****d in Brussels I didn't vote for and some b*****d in Westminster I didn't vote for?"

  10. it all went wrong when we joined up basically.

  11. Is it a fate completed?

    Is it still not in some form of "discussion - consensus

    building - negotiations - meetings attended by

    "representative government leaders"?

    Or two assessments seem to differ - with all due respect.

  12. The real problem was that Napoleon and Hitler were both dead. However, they are looking for a clone and what bigger clone could their be than Adolf Blair (and Frau Fuhrer Cherie).

  13. Once faceless bureaucrats found they could hoof away the people's money scot free, other parasites jumped on the band waggon. Traitor Brown will just blame Europe for his own massive short-comings and failing policies. We deserve a referendum instead of the pitiful, insulting lies.

  14. A HUGE LACK OF HONESTY  TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. you cant sell people a lie. not! when they've just suffered 10 years of the most well known liar in the world. every one in Britain has a bad feeling about it, (truth be told) .....if it was anybody taking us in OTHER!! than new labour then perhaps most people would have a little more faith......but were being sold off by the most dishonest political party Briton has ever seen in power. and what makes it worse is the fact that Brown and hes bunch of crooks in new labour are actually refusing point blank! to listen to a massive 75% of the country who are demanding they're democratic right to a referendum.  the whole reason for the vast majority of people demanding the Reforendum we were promised is 'what has been so far' the complete dishonesty of new labour. WE DONT TRUST CROOKS AND CON ARTISTS IN THIS COUNTRY. new labour have put a bad taste in the mouths of the British people. and turned what might! have been a cellebration. into an act of virtual treason. they have no idea how to lead a country and are too mistrusted now to ever gain respect from the people of Briton.

  15. If I remember back, it seems the EU started telling us what to do when labour got in, in 97. I know it certainly needs to be reversed.

    I would love this country to pull out of the EU and spend the saved billions on the NHS and cleaning the country up as a whole, hopefully restoring a bit of pride.

  16. When Gen. De Gaulle changed from saying  NON to OUI

  17. there evil, they fit into bible propecy, lets see

    revived roman empire, 12 stars on a crown(the 12 stars on the flag, the crown is the nation) the woman riding the beast( the EURO coin has a chick riding a Bull) animals was refered as "beasts of the Earth" in the bible, not just the devil.

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