
The EU has universal health care and the Euro is stronger than the dollar. What is America doing wrong ?

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a bush family member ...your statement is England & France MD's get bonuses FOR using preventative health care as it cheaper than long term care




  1. First, Americans would not be happy with European healthcare. America has a preventative healthcare system while Europe has "fix it after it is broken" healthcare system.

    UK:"PATIENTS searching for NHS dental treatment face a postcode lottery of care – "

    U.K:"Many 'cannot get NHS dental care'"

    U.K.:"The NHS - A Broken Trust "

    U.K. healthcare system is not highly approved according to survey.

    Second, The dollar is fine. The falling dollar helps the economy.  

    Global economics 101. The country with the weakest currency wins. And the country with the most innovation (the U.S.) keeps alive the countries that only know how to copy ( through the use of a devalued currency) . The countries with the weakest currencies have the fastest economic growth. Japan purposefully devalued its currency for decades to gain U.S. marketshare in our automotive sector and our electronic sector. And when  Japan stopped devaluing its currency by large amounts, its economy crashed.  Currently, China and India are currently devaluing their currencies. China had over a 10% GDP growth rate last year. And Russia's devalued currency is hurting the EU steel mills.

    The key to America's future is spending money in research and development and at the same time prevent other countries from artificially devaluing their currencies. Those actions alone will increase job growth, improve the standard of living, reduce the need of social programs, reduce the national debt through tax revenue growth, etc..

    In the long term a low dollar is actually good for America (as long as other countries don't artificially peg the dollar). A low dollar decreases the trade deficit, improves the economy, and increases tax revenue to lower the budget deficit. China has been enjoying the benefits of a weak currency for a decade. That is the only reason why China is doing so well. It actually sucks at productivity.

    China Is Against Free Trade. What Should Be Done About Its Protectionism?

    Why Do People Keep Thinking A Weak Dollar Is A Disaster?;...

    Big Pharmaceutical, biotech earnings aided by weak U.S. dollar - Jan. 25, 2008

    Catching the falling dollar...that's great news for many small U.S. companies

    Weak dollar is good for Boeing.

    "Weak Dollar, Weak Airbus Profits"

    5 stocks to profit from a weak dollar - MSN Money

    Strong [Australian] dollar strangling company profits - ABC News

    Weak dollar could equal strong returns for some investments - Dec 2007

    Procter & Gamble [soap, shampoo, Gilette, Duracell, pampers, cosmetics, etc], Colgate, Avon hold up thanks to weak dollar - BloggingStocks

    Weak dollar boosts McDonald's 3Q profits -

    Weak dollar boosts Disney park profits - Telegraph

  2. I'm not bothered by the question, but how the h**l is the falling dollar good for the economy? I'm S****y at economics, but someone is fully retarded.  

    Europeans in general have fostered a sense of social justice in their governments, if not broken by spates of facists and the like, for a long time.  You might not get the best care that money can buy at first crack, but there is organization and a minimum that one does not fall below.   In the US, you have poor people racking up 1500 bills at the emergency room every time they have a cold, with no guaranteed access to preventative care.   That isn't good for anyone.  The US actually ends up paying MORE than Europe for health care and gets LESS for their money.

  3. The UK healthcare system is working so well they have to bring in doctors from other countries since the pay is so low. The good doctors immigrate to the US so they can be paid what they are worth. The dollar is down simply because the federal reserve flooded the system with cash. America has shown the world that our system is the the best in the long haul.

  4. There is nothing wrong with America it is just that more people are out of touch to the reality...There are people who wants to have a health care but does not know their responsibility. If only all Americans can take up their own responsibility collectively we can have a UHC.

  5. We spend far too much money on our military.  We spend more money than the rest of the world COMBINED.

    We cut taxes, but continue to spend in increasing amounts.  Eventually, one would expect that you'd go into debt.

    My family members in Europe complain about high taxes, sure, but they get free health care and primary/secondary education.  Seems like a fair exchange to me.

  6. I lived in Germany and my x- was a nurse, American would not be happy with their type of healthcare, is bunk. Your government tells you that so you believe. I lived there I l know it is different. You pay a high flat tax. But you get great medical, no waits, no referrals, prescription, to give birth is free. But unlike the US, This is for German citizens not immigrants and most illegal get shot or thrown out at there countries expense. So money saved. They pay $8 for gas, yet they use it to have the best roads and bridges in the world, funny that is what our gas taxes were always to be used for. So if not for that then what. In each country they speak the language of the country the do not cater to your language, DMV books and tests are in the language of the country and that is that, road signs are more pictures and symbols since the autobahn runs through different countries. There kids lean more and are better educated. Why? Because teachers can teach and not have to worry about political correctness as we do. The teacher does not have to worry about different languages because there is one, religious preferences, because there is none, offence to ones beliefs, they don't care. We have sold our jobs to idiots oversees who make a few cents an hour, do you really expect a decent product that other countries wish to buy. In Europe the jobs stay, they like to see a man who is in his 70's still working for the same company he started with as a teen why? Because it brings them more business. Customers see that and are in awe that someone who started as a teen worked there way up and now is in their 70's, that is a company that is worth dealing with. Also, companies in Europe are taxed very high and unfairly if they take away German jobs from German workers along with 85% of the EU, the rest I am not sure about. I know this because I have been and stayed and all my friends are in Europe. Plus we have career politicians who will lie whenever it benefits them, and say whatever line you wish to hear to get elected. Now I am by no means saying that politicians the EU are angels but they are laws holding them more accountable to the people who voted for them and they can be voted out as easy as they were voted in. So it would be more in their interests to deal well with the people who put them in office. Also, we have two political parties and all they do is argue and nothing gets done. Most countries un the EU, have more then 4 and they work better together then ours do, they fight more, but work better together.

    That is from me and I lived in Germany for years. As soon I get the money I am moving back to, because you question says it all. All my friends see the USA as the next and biggest third world country.

  7. the fact that the USA is only 26 in the world for health care and people are saying there is not anything wrong with the health care in the USA is a bit worrying. health care in Europe is better than the USA, and people do not higher taxes due to the health care, its simple we most people in Europe think if you are sick you should have the best care you can and it does not matter how much money you have. the reason the dollar is so weak is because you have Mr bush as your leader

  8. Dear Mr. O'really,

    Do you really want to know the truth!!!!    We are losing our foundation and the principles upon which this nation was founded.  I admit that we have had plenty of scoundrels in this country to muck things up, but there are principles that were with us in the beginning.   Big debt is one of them---should not have happened.  Division is another--we should be united as a nation.  Most of our founding fathers were Freemasons!   To be a Freemason one must profess a belief in GOD.   The United States of America was one of two nations founded specifically to show the goodness of God.  The other? Israel!   The more this nation abandons Godly principles, the worse things will get.

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