
The EU removed the Council of Ourense 1.3 million fraud

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Expenditures on promoting racing, car racing or horse breeding that the president of the Council of Ourense José Luis Baltar authorized by EU funds had another purpose (and other projects still on target were awarded to finger or " repeated breaches " of the law) and have the institution must Ourense. The European Union (EU) has decided not to submit to the Council 1.3 million that the provincial agency was spent between 2000 and 2006 in violation, according to European experts, the basic principles governing public procurement. The EU, which had complained to the council that money, not wait for him to return the son of Baltar: I have already deduced from the statement of expenditure in Spain. Although Brussels argues that the process is already closed, the County did not report it. The Socialist Party has already announced he will file a complaint with the prosecutor.

Brussels argues that irregularities authorized by Baltar in Pedece, Proforest, Sons and tab, and Via Nova Lima Light " projects were discovered by the National Audit Office, the Audit Office, Ministry of Finance, in the course of inspections made of the expenses included in these programs. " In a written response MEP PSOE Antolin Sanchez Presedo, European Commissioner for Taxation lists among the irregularities "lack or incompleteness of documentation" or " breach of the procurement rules ", ie, the finger pointing.

Reports of the Ministry of Finance in the EU has drawn to block the departure of 1.3 million included the Council of Ourense, in 2007, the recommendation that the management and control systems are reinforced by INORDE provincial institution for " that result in scrupulous respect for the rules."

On June 1, 2007 and the Tax Inspectorate dismissed the allegations made by Baltar. The presidents ourensano justified " that the negotiated procedure without publication has not been isolated and exceptional, but systematic, does not mean that we find ourselves before a breach of public procurement rules." He added: " The fact that these assumptions [ the procedure requiring advertising] are more or less common is not something that depends on the will of the contracting authorities."

The Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) EU found no justification for most items INORDE certified. Brussels technicians considered proven that there were " full of irregularities" awards and " repeated breaches " of the standard procurement expenditure shown besides " no bills " and " absence of any rule" for grant aid.

This resolution of the European Union, which it describes as illegal actions in those authorized by the self-styled " chief good " and executed by the then head of INORDE, José Manuel Freire - Couto plans adds to the claim of 10.1 million euros to ourensana institution by " fraudulent management " two other Community programs and Deputrans daredo, installation of treatment plants is being investigated by the justice. Brussels shows that in the management of the County is able to commit the offenses of corruption, forgery and influence peddling.

For three months, the provincial deputies PP trusted Baltar been investigated in an integrated single commission for them if this committed irregularities accused the EU. The commission delivered on Monday the findings son - successor " and he will decide whether or not made ​​public," says PP spokesman in the County and a member of the commission, Placido Alvarez. Deputies cited declaring "four or five " technicians of the institution involved somehow in the granting of aid, says Alvarez, however, does not reveal whether the president also said.

 Tags: 1.3, council, EU, fraud, million, Ourense, removed


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