
The EU treaty is obviously a Zombie. How does one kill it ?

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Shot in the heart by the Dutch, the French and the Irish, the Treaty of Lisbon just will not die.

Should we try surrounding it by Garlic, or sprinkling it with Holy water.

How do you suggest we kill off this insane Zombie of a treaty?




  1. Thankfully, people power is dragging itself kicking and screaming back up to where it belongs. People are at last remembering that politicians are elected to SERVE, NOT to dictate!

    I wonder what those who despise democracy propose in its place? Socialism? Or even communism, perhaps? No thanks.

  2. i think you have to cut off the head to kill a zombie

  3. The EU treaty is obviously a Zombie. How does one kill it

  4. An excellent example of why democracy is such a lousy system.  The Dutch and French voted against the European constitution.  To accommodate their wishes, European leaders negotiated the Lisbon treaty.  Now Ireland has decided to ignore their politicians and vote the way Rupert Murdoch told them.

    So now what do we do?  I'm sure your paymasters would love us to abandon the EU and become part of the American Empire.

  5. Although I am Anti-EU, I don't think it should be totally abandoned.

    We should reduce payments, get rid of all the legislation, law courts and rely on own courts. Stop EU Expansion, restrict employment movement. Bring back our own powers!

  6. i dont think of my part of  Britain as being in the EU. its another place somewhere in Europe, nothing to do with me.

  7. Its a zombie, so go for it's head,

    Obliterate France and Germany.

  8. Honestly, I don't know the details and terms of the treaty. But today's Ireland result should bring us to review the present political system of the whole world.

    Those who are in charge (the elite of the society) are doing or trying to do something the public (which is the great great majority) don't agree or don't even understand.

    They may be right, I don't know. But this instance strengthens my personal view about UK's political system. Those politicians who are in charge are playing their own game of power FOR THEIR OWN EGO and DOING LITTLE TO UNDERSTAND THE PUBLIC.

  9. Open it up to the Flesh eating virus know as the East European (we hate the English) virus.

  10. The only way to kill a zombie is to bring in Luiz Felipe Scolari.

  11. Let every single person in the EU vote on the issue..

    ..then, 'Them' and 'Us' will know for certain its dead.

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