
The Edniburgh Festival?

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Do you think it would a good idea to move the Edinburgh Festival to either June or July? To take advantage of the lighter nights and the best weather? With the lighter nights street performers along the High Street will be able perform longer and locals and tourist will have more time to watch these performers. Also between June and July thats when most tourist come to Scotland. They have already moved the film festival forward to June wny not the Edinburgh Festival. Let me hear what your thoughts are I know it'll never happen its just a thought.




  1. I can only say "If it works don't fix it"

  2. If it traditionally in August, why change it as this is when everyone expects it. Your logic re-lighter nights etc is good but tradition is tradition.

  3. I don't think it really makes a difference when the festival is tbh. I travel to work in Edinburgh every day and when the festival is on the traffic is hurrendous - I really don't like that time of year... :(

    And this year with the tram works on-going it will be even worse. The timing of the festival has to tie-in with the scheduling of the works, and Shandwick Place isn't due to open until August anyway.

  4. There are about 15 festivals comprising the Edinburgh Festival.

    The Edinburgh International Festival has been held in August since 1947. The dates for the next few International Festivals are as follow: 2007 - 10 August - 2 September; 2008 - 8 August - 31 August; 2009 - 14 August - 6 September; 2010 - 13 August – 5 September.

    By having dates decided years in advance people & performers can book premises, travel & accommodation well in advance.

    The street performers you are refering to are not part of the EIF. They are generally part of the Fringe Festival which sometimes starts in July anyway.

    About fifteen other festivals are held in Edinburgh at the about the same time as the International Festival. Collectively, the entire group is referred to as the Edinburgh Festival. Most notable of these is the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, which started as an offshoot of the International Festival and has since grown to be the world's largest arts festival.

    As you have pointed out Festivals are free to be held whenever they want, but most tourists come to Edinburgh during August. ♥

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