
The Equalities Commission says that "Equality laws are now...?

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...holding women back".

Women now have the right to be absent from work to a degree not available to men, but this only makes men a better prospect for employers:

"British fathers have the most unequal rights in Europe, entitled to only two weeks of leave compared with 52 for mothers... calls to the commission’s helpline from women who had lost their jobs after becoming pregnant suggested that they were paying a heavy price for their new rights... many employers binned the CVs of women of childbearing age"

Is feminist obsession with special 'equality' legislation making women less employable than men?




  1. Sure, Rio, it's all the employers' fault because feminists don't understand business and capitalism. They showed their prowess with Math in the wage gap myth and their prowess with science in inventing PMS and Battered Woman Syndrome. Feminists don't do a good job of representing women. They should right their wrongs instead of blaming it on the employers or somebody else.

    I wouldn't hire someone who might be gone for a year. Capitalism doesn't take risks.

    Jim, don't be surprised if there's a law around the corner outlawing heterosexual intercourse with working women so that the workplace treats them more equally. With feminism, you can never tell.

  2. What kind of business would knowingly hire somebody that isn't going to show up for a year?  Feminists demand ridiculously biased unequal laws and then criticize businesses for making unequal decisions based on the unequal laws.

  3. Hey, you unblocked me. I feel so free.

    What employers are doing now is sexist, because it implies that every female applicant will get pregnant or, if they do, want a full year of leave. (There have been mothers who have returned to work weeks or even days after giving birth.) But they should allow for more paternity leave; feminists have fought for this, too, you know.

  4. Sometimes I`m lead to believe that many feminists don`t understand how capitalism works.

  5. True equality occurs on its own without being FORCED. If you have to force it, then its not equality. What it REALLY is I would say is a "booster seat". Like a person who wears glasses to see 20/20 vs. a person who sees 20/20 without them.

    So essentially, when feminists want special laws, they are like a person with bad eyesight saying: "My vision is just as good as yours, so I demand that you give me glasses so I can see what you can see."

    Is that confusing? Well, it should be. Most hypocrisy is rather confusing.

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