
The European Golf Destination of the Year for 2011 announced

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The European Golf Destination of the Year for 2011 announced
The Moycullen Organization has been recently been awarded one of the most prestigious golf marketing award by IAGTO.
According to recent reports, the North West’s top golf clubs has been the receiver of the earlier stated esteemed golf award with the honour of becoming the best golfing destinations in the continent.
The marketing award was given by The International Association of Golf Tour Operators to the well known North & West Coast Links Golf and is now the best golfing destination for the entire year. The grant was handed out to the auspicious organization at
the yearly award ceremony by the organization held in Spain.
The observance held a high profile dinner that included a sizeable amount of professionals that ranged to a total number of 1200. These dignitaries resided from over 60 countries in total that came together to commemorate the contributions made over the
year in the world of golf travel.  
As far as the votes are concerned, they were made by IAGTO operators, the IGTWA's golf travel writers and the international golf tour operators. The international electors were thus numbered as 350 that reigned from all over the world and specifically 52
With such a diverse elector board working for the golfing tour award, the initial vote favoured with 20 European golfing expanses that were later contracted down to only 6 regions. The 6 finalists was thus a rather gleaming list which included the likes
of Fife, the Czech Republic, Tenerife, Murcia in Spain and Lisbon in Portugal along with the North West Ireland.
The North West Ireland was handed the first place and was included the prestigious list of high profile destinations. Recapping the previously awarded destinations, the list included regions like Provence and Cote D’Azur, the Algarve, Andalucia, and Turkey.
According to John McLaughlin who is the general manager of North & West Coast Links Golf, the trek from nomination till the award night had been extremely thrilling. He said that the mere nomination kicked them to a new notch of ecstasy as it handed the
company recognition among its inclusive equals.   
“The competition has been tough still is, but despite all that, our company has been able to keep its focus straight and has been eyeing the title of European Golf Destination of the Year 2011 for a long time” the general manager



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