
The European Union dropped renewable

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The European Union dropped renewable

 Tags: dropped, European, renewable, Union



  1. Today was meant to be one of those in which the European Commission makes major announcements. Its president, José Manuel Barroso, and the heads of Climate Change and Energy presented the EU environmental objectives is proposed for the next fifteen years. Emphasized the extent star: 2030 emissions of 28 countries should be reduced by 40 % compared to the level they were in 1990. But along the way is one of the major European bets: determined to support renewable energy.

    The strong pressure, especially British, but also French, has made the EU countries free themselves from the obligation to achieve a certain percentage of clean energy. The Commission has complied with a general objective that involves the entire EU. This mechanism, many NGOs see it as a defeat of European environmental aspirations, allows the greenest countries to offset the remaining gaps.

    This is a minimal solution, which still must pass the approval of the most reluctant governments. " We have proposed a flexible system that can be accepted. Had we not done so, this proposal would have been born dead," said the police station for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard.

    Was she who led the battle against the other sector - led by Energy Commissioner GÃ_nther Oettinger, to achieve the emission reduction reaches 40 % instead of 35 %, and that renewable targets are mandatory for across the EU. " They are about ambitious and realistic targets," in the words of Barroso.

    But not everyone shares this view. " Even the 40% target is not enough. A report of the Commission considered that although no environmental policy is not adopted, carbon emissions would fall by around 32% in 2030, "says a Greenpeace report, which calls for a reduction of 55%. Environmentalists believe that a level of 27% renewable is an ambitious goal, and that this percentage is very close to the EU would be obliged if you meet their emission reduction commitments.

    The reduction in environmental aspirations responds to the absolute priority, after a long five years of crisis, the economy has taken. Europe led the fight against climate change in the world and led by example: In 2007, when the three objectives by 2020 (reducing emissions, percentage of renewable and energy efficiency Holy Trinity 20%) were adopted. Now, however, the economic approach and the interests of countries like France and the UK who prefer to opt for nuclear energy predominates.

    The renewable is not the only goal that has fallen today. In 2007 it was also agreed that the countries of the EU by 2020 would save 20% in energy consumption. Today, the Commission has not submitted an energy efficiency target, leaving issue for review later this year. From November will no longer be in their current positions Commissioners.

    On the side of the proponents of renewable stood Germany, engaged in a policy of phasing out nuclear energy should complete the new government in 2022

    The guidelines presented today Barroso, Hedegaard and Oettinger, must still go through another filter. The Heads of State and Government at their summit held next March, will have the last word. But some government leaders have not wanted to wait that long and are already doing to hear your opinion. British Prime Minister David Cameron has sent a letter to Barroso in which estimated that the establishment of a renewables target would cost British consumers £ 9,000 million (nearly 15,000 million euros) a year. If you set only a target to reduce emissions " unnecessary costs to our beleaguered energy sector has to bear, reducing energy prices and contributing to growth and improving competitiveness in Europe will be reduced," the Prime Minister.

    But not everyone shares this idea that green is necessarily uncompetitive. "For Europe is a strategic objective to continue to lead the development of renewable energy and invest in energy efficiency of their buildings, industry and transport systems. The benefits materialize in job creation, energy security and increasing competitiveness of their industries and technologies in a world where energy sources are becoming increasingly scarce and more expensive, "said Peter Sweatman, CEO of Climate Strategy Partners.

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