
The Family Tree of Vincent Van Gogh?

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His magician uncle ---------------------------------- Where-diddy Gogh

His Mexican cousin -------------------------------- A mee Gogh

The ballroom dancing aunt---------------------- Tang Gogh

The bird lover uncle ------------------------------ Fla min Gogh

The fruit loving cousin--------------------------- Man Gogh

An aunt who taught positive thinking---------- Way-to-Gogh

The little bouncy nephew------------------------ Poe Gogh

A sister who loved disco-------------------------- Ah Go Gogh




  1. Hits and misses with that one. Bottom three weren't that good.

  2. lol good one!

  3. Pretty funny.  I'll give you marks on originality as well.  How refreshing to see a joke that ins't a d**n repost!!  What's the point of doing that anyway?

  4. Van gough was a dumb dutch freak. Honestly, how could people like such a fool? I saw some of his work when I was at an art exhibit and the guy was a total loser and looked so stuck up. I mean, instead of becoming a sportsmen or someone who inspired people, he tried making people see stuff through his messed up perspection.

  5. hilarious hahahahahahahaha

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