
The Far Left is again trying to smear a woman candidate: Is this beyond the pale of decency?...?

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I invite comparisons with the Lefty media bashing of Hillary with the shameful leftist smear being promoted by the radical leftists blogs now being perpetrated against Gov. Palin of Alaska!

Please opine as you wish, and keep it pithy because you have entered the No Spin Zone!




  1. The Leftist news media has insisted that Palin should be busy with her children instead of Politics!

    Except that they forget that Nanci pelosi has 5 children too! And she gets no flack for being a busy working mom.

    Millions of women raise families AND work. With the rat-race we have today, they have to just to make ends met.

    The Old Media wants people to think that there is something wrong with Palin's 17 year old daughter being pregnant! Yet the dad is right there, and he's NOT married to someone else like Obam's dad was.

    Yet they don't t mention the fact that BHO's mom was unwed and 17.

    Too bad she didn't get an abortion!

  2. It has nothing to do with the far left or the far has to do with the vetting and credibility of our politicians.  Hillary took the brunt of the media's criticisms and smears because she was running for President of the United States, not a beauty pageant.  Being a feminist means I think women should have the same opportunities as men, but also should be expected to bear the same burdens.  So are we being told that the media's inquest into this newly revealed VP is unfair because of her "historic nature as the first GOP female candidate?" (quotes taken from the McCain campaign).  What...don't criticize her because she's a girl?

  3. I'm not sure I understand you. It's sexist to point out a candidate, who is wrong on all the issues and is also either a hypocrite or a nutjob, just because she's a woman. But Obama and Hillary have been fair game. It seems like there are different rules for women/men and also separate rules for black/white, and yet different rules for Democrat/Republican.

    Whoa! I just got dizzy from all the spin.

  4. They destroy women candidates and women in general.  It's a rite of passage for a male Democratic Politician to disgrace his wife publicly by cheating on her, and then she's just supposed to take it and act as if nothing has happened.  If I were a woman, I wouldn't go near the Democratic Party.  Those who do are in serious denial.

  5. Oh, Silly work for the most right-wing republican biased piece of **** network on t.v. Fox News is a joke and so is your show.

  6. wanna borrow a loofah for when you interview palin billbo

  7. How about like what the PNAC did to John McCain back in 2000, or like what they (PNAC) did to another Vietnam Veteran John Kerry?

  8. I would love to hear a reference showing that someone smeared her, as a woman. One reference please, just one.

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