
The F*****g quota system again!?

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With the Springboks in the final, and it looking like they are most probably going to win. What do you think about the fact that according to SAfrica's minister of foreign affairs (forget the fool's name), the current Springbok team is the last team to be chosen purely on merit, "players chosen on merit alone shouldn't mean white players only".

The South African Government's argument is that an all white team is not 'representative' of South Africans. But surely it makes sense that if we can send a team of our best players to play in the world cup (irrespective of race), which just happens to form one of the best teams in the world right now; that that team is the best team to represent our country? Hence representing every kind of South African.

What do you as a non south african rugby fan, think about that?




  1. Absolutely ridiculous.

    It's racism under another guise!

  2. Well that is splendid news for all the other countries, now they might stand a chance!  

    Seriously though, I agree with you that that is the most insane BS that has ever surfaced, when politics meddles in the affairs of a national sport then you can expect things to deteriorate: the quality of the players, and the whole team and it sours things for everyone. Obviously the fools behind this whole movement are oblivious to the massive accomplishment the Springboks have achieved by getting to where they are at this point. So they just want to s***w with everything that is running well.

    That said: You simply cannot force a change like this, it needs to be gradual... start by developing the sport with black kids; get them to love it and I assure you that there will be black players who develop into great players and get picked for the club and national team, on merit.

    All other countries pick their players considering their current playing abilities throughout the season and year, because it just makes sense. (well maybe not NZ...joke!!!)  

    Anyway first develop the game in the black community, and it takes time, as it is blacks like soccer more so SA rugby and these idiots in the sports ministry need to change that mindset, or at the very least influence it, promote the sport of rugby at all levels, don't just shove changes down the throats of everyone.

  3. Its an absolute joke man.

    Fourteen years later & this c**p it still going on.

    If you haven't found a good player of colour by now it aint gonna happen !

    Let the world play against the best from SA not a mediocure 'colourful' side.

    My name will explain where my opinion was formed.



  4. lol who cares

  5. Great motivation for a team two days before a world cup final. The bloody idiots!

  6. Crazy!!!

    The best players should be included in the team regardless of race or colour.  Your current best player is number 11....I think his name is Habana?  What a great athlete!  He was chosen because he is good, not because he is coloured.

    I am sure that in time, as more coloured people play rugby, the majority of the team will become coloured anyway.  It should happen naturally though, over time.

    After years of oppression where whites were given jobs even when they were not the best candidates, it is natural for a little bit of a kick back.  The pendulum is swinging in the other direction before settling in the middle.  It will be a real shame if S. African rugby is targeted though.  

    For the sake of rugby the S. African government must change it's mind!!!

    From an England point of view.....Can they make the change before the final tomorrow? :-)

  7. Stupid, unnecesary affirmative action.

    The best springbok isnt 1/3rd white, so they should ban him.

  8. stupid aint it, oh im south african by the ways

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