
The Force Unleashed Blocking?

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This was quite annoying, the blocking feature completely immobilizes you when using it. Not only that, but it doesnt block all fire, just most. Does anyone know if he'll be able to block and walk or run later on?




  1. what are you talking about exactly  

  2. Well, I notied, when the apprentice levels up his asbilities improve, so I wont be surprised if you can block and run later in the game. Because in Star Wars most Jedi or Sith can block and run at the same time.

    Also, are you sure he doesn't block everything. Even when I faced the at-st on the hardest level i blocked all of his laser attacks. Maybe you let go of L2 and tried to run or something because he even blocks attacks that his saber doesn't parry. It just bounces of his back

  3. Hopefully they will change it in the final version of the game. The block feature is really annoying.hopefully blocking can be leveled like the force push so you can run. I guess well find out in September.

  4. Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. I think they do that on purpose though. It seems like blocking will be used mostly for duels. You already block most laser fire if you're facing your opponent so I guess they didn't feel it was necessary. I'm also hoping it's a level-able skill.

    I really wish the demo let you fight another jedi, but oh well. I'll probably get it either way.

    My only other problem with the game was locking on. I wish you didn't have to hold R1. Hopefully there will be an option for that in the final build.

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