
******** The Future ********?

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Are we all on the same page ?

Do we all have the same sort of ideas about what is going to happen over the next x amount of years ? I know there's many different scenarios of what could happen... but do we all have sort of the same 'general' idea ? That something big and bad will happen , lots of burning, pain and suffering and people will die - and then things will be better. ?

Are we all so very different with different beliefs and religions, yet we're all on the same page?

Or maybe am I wrong about this ?

Imagine life was just one long book. Doesn't matter what page you're on, it's the same book with the same story and it will end the same no matter what. Different people read different parts of the book, and probably imagine different endings for it as well.

Sorry if this made no sense at all.... just thinking...

what do you think the near future will be like ? (next 5 years maybe)




  1. I really like your "life is a book" thing...hadn't thought about it quite like that before.  Very nice!

    As for what is coming...the Incan calendar ends in 2012.  They thought that this would mean the end of the world - not necessarily the END end, just the end of the world as we know it.  It should be a big change, regardless!  

  2. 2012 ......hmmm  not sure on that i keep hearing about it though.big and bad well that's going to happen much i would like for us to get along that is just not warming, drought,disease and wars threatens any plans for a long term future.nuclear weapons are not going to disappear overnight in fact i think there is a lot of people dying to use them.As for the bible and the Revelations nobody knows when that will happen.BUT something IS going to happen can't say what, just a very strong feeling that it will be BIG!!

  3. I really like this question. I have wondered about this for a very long time. I have come to the realization that disasters have happened through  out history and will continue to happen. Humanity has survived through out all the past tragedies and will continue to do so. In the next five years I think we will see more volcanoes waking up and more violent storms pounding the land and perhaps the start of ww3. We as humans will survive because we are survivors. Even if in say 50 years the great Apocalypse were to happen some people will survive. We have gone threw many things that have ended cultures and dynasties. We will continue to go through many disasters.

    Our planet is a violent place and humans have been just as violent to it. With global warming, destruction of forests and other things of that nature, I believe the planet will shake a lot of the infestation of humans back to a manageable number. After that happens  the number of people will be starting from scratch again. Perhaps they will learn from the past and come up with a way to live with nature and with our violent planet.

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