
The GOP is putting America First by the with Gustav hitting,what do the dems put first?

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The GOP is putting America First by the with Gustav hitting,what do the dems put first?




  1. Not really, we just don't want to tie in the memories of Katrina any more deeply than they already are to our GOP.

  2. Your'e doing a good job Brownie!!!!!

    Mr. News

  3. Is God sending a message to "family value Republicans?"

  4. Keeping silent about John Edwards, shhhhhh.

  5. well what did the democrats do three years ago besides take advantage of an opportunity to bash the gop.

  6. they'll always put graft first

  7. How much did the GOP put America first three years ago?

    They cannot afford any more bad publicity at this time.

    And, my conservative friend, if you study the history of the Democratic party, and study it's platform, (instead of listening to right wing you would be surprised to find that Democratic policies DO put the middle class first.

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