
The Game Of Fame And Hate - Top Five Despised NHL Teams

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The Game Of Fame And Hate - Top Five Despised NHL Teams
NHL and its animosity go hand in hand. Be it the NHL teams or executives; no one is safe from bigotry when it comes to the NHL. In fact, when we talk about all that hatred in and around the NHL, it’s easy to interpret it as sports fame. Thus, it comes as no surprise, for example, if you hear Max Talbot calling Alex Ovechkin a “real douche”. Intolerance is the mantra here at the NHL.
NHL has a lot of history with controversies, bigotries and fan rivalries. Over the years, as the NHL grew bigger, it drew even bigger riots and never-ending opposition. Unlike other sports, NHL teams welcome contempt, when a particular organization excels. This not only makes NHL an amalgamation of unimagined twists and turns, but also a constant source of awe for millions of people around the globe.
Adding to the controversies, the franchises fan bases are not far behind the chauvinism race. Montreal and Toronto, San Jose and Detroit, Calgary and Edmonton are a few enmities that are an unceasing source of wonder throughout the league. Thanks to the rise in popularity of social networking sites and the Internet, you can instantly Google the tiniest bits of details of the teams that you despise and keep tweeting and retweeting (Twitter) until you actually turn paranoid.
Recently, Sports Illustrated came up with a list of all-time most hated NHL teams. The significant names include Detroit Pistons 1988-1989, Dallas Cowboys 1992,  Miami University Football Team 1986 and Philadelphia Flyers 1974- 1975. Although the report pinpoints the most controversial teams of the past, we decided to keep the contemporary NHL leagues into account.
Below are our top five despised NHL team, primarily, because of their royals. Keep your fingers crossed, your hot team may be topping the list...
Pittsburgh Penguins
With a recent Stanley Cup victory (2008-2009), bad days for Pittsburgh Penguins have just started. Controversies are everywhere for the poor Penguins; they rigged the NHL draft, referees during the play were insane and Sidney Corsby is Garry Bettman’s favourite son. Surely, the Penguins will not make it big this season (at least, with fans of the NHL) as they top our list of the most despised NHL teams.
Detroit Red Wings
Triumph welcomes jealousy. Same is true for the Detroit Red Wings, which enjoyed a recent Stanley Cup (2007-2008) victory along with three rings since 1997. Detroit’s phenomenal victories have given rise to all kinds of debates. What makes matters worse is the team’s deadly encounter with San Jose Sharks and Colorado Avalanche that has bred scorn for the Red Winged Organization.
Washington Capitals
With a fearless owner who isn’t afraid to suppress the most controversial views and a star like Alex Ovechkin, who exhibited a repeated history of ice incidents, the team is sure to face opposition. To add to their misery, the loyal fans of Washington Capitals leapt to the bandwagon post-2005. With media and fans against them, the Caps had to bear an insulting exit from the first round of past postseason.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Maple Leafs has not been facing much success in winning the hearts of their fans. Michael Farber of Sports Illustrated noted Toronto Leafs as the most hated team in Hockey and rated the team number 22. Players like Tie Domi, Darcy Tucker and Shayne Corson revive contempt among rivals. Another factor for Maple Leafs adversaries are their ever rising fan-base. With the enormity of their media presence coupled with their arrogant manager Brian Burke; the opponents have a lot to hate.
Philadelphia Flyers
The fate of Philadelphia Flyers has not changed much since the 70s. Presently, the team faces the same state of affairs as in the days of Broad Street Bullies. Players like Chris Pronger, Scott Hartnell, and Dan Carcillo make the perfect excuse for not receiving a warm reception on the streets.
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