
The Game is Up For Bow Wow's Madden Challenge ?

by Guest33095  |  earlier

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Wednesday August 27, 2008

A date and venue for the clash of gamers has yet to be set, but The Game insists one thing is certain - he'll win the $100,000 prize money.

Rapper The Game has confirmed he's up for Bow Wow's videogame gamble - the pair will go head to head on American football challenge Madden 2009.

A date and venue for the clash of gamers has yet to be set, but The Game insists one thing is certain - he'll win the $100,000 prize money.

He says, "There's nothing to talk about. Bow Wow, he don't want it - (he's) too little... I definitely accept it. I got it.

"I think he'll probably ask his mama for the money after he loses."

Who do you think will win?




  1. they dont want it with me homie....i'll take that gwap with the Raiders!!!!!!!!!........they both backed down from Power 106's Tattoo challenge for 10K...

  2. Bow wow- Same reason as CaPuT and the game will be talking too much trash and bow wow will be scoring while he's doing it.

  3. Bow Wow...the younger generation of gamers are just better than all you old people

  4. i'll bust all they asses

  5. imma go with game

    hes number 1 on the madden leader board....

  6. I'm down for the Big Bow Wow. He has a good head on his shoulders.

    I heard on E,   that he kills at Madden.

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