
The Gardasil shot. Is it bad for you? How bad does it hurt? Where do they inject it?

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I'm getting the Gardasil shot tomorrow evening. i'm 15 years old. I'm DEATHLY afraid of shots and needles. The last shot I got was a tetnus a few years ago, I remember feeling so nervous I actually cried a little. But then I didn't feel anything sticking it in freaked me out and then after having it in for a few seconds was like a bad pinch. Bearable. But then a few months ago I went to have teeth removed I had a lot to get removed so I was put to sleep. Now silly me I didn't think they'd stick an IV in me, I screamed really loudly and a swore. It was a really big needle and it was shoved into the bend in my arm (I don't know the actual name of it oops) I keep thinking of the horrific pain and small scar I have there when I think of Gardasil. I've seen tons of Gardasil questions on yahoo answers and I've seen a lot of people saying don't do it, there are so many bad things about it and it's not proven. So i'm totally freaked out. Now I don't want cervical cancer, but I only want this vaccine if its definatly going to stop it from forming. Now I know no vaccine protects everyone but does it do a good job protecting people without serious side affects. I just need the facts and any personal experience. I'm going to try to get numbing cream if I have to get the shot. Because I will faint getting this shot. I'm rambling, i'm sorry I'm just terrified. Any help would help me.

Please no negative comments on how big of a wuss I am, because I already know.




  1. DUDE! DAYUM FLIPPIN SRSLY. i got my third one yesterday, pain rating outta 10 is 2. it so not painful. it barely hurts. it stings when it ovr for literaly 6 seconds. but everyones different. just settle it

  2. I took it and I'm fine.

    It's not only one shot though. I think it was like 3 or 4. I forgot.

    It didn't really hurt, just like regular shots, a tiny little pinch feeling.

    I didn't really feel anything afterwards either, so. . .

    There's nothing to be afraid of, so just calm down!


    The shot goes into your upper arm, the tricep part of it.

    The Gardasil shot is a preventive vaccination.  

  3. Don't be scared. Just talk to your doctor as she's giving you the shot. Tell her exactly what you wrote above. That way, she can talk you through it. It does hurt a little, but the strangest part is that you can slightly feel it going down your arm because they inject it into your muscle. I just got the first one about a month ago, so I know a little about it. My arm hurt for about two days, only if I lifted it really high, though. It felt really similar to a tetanus shot. But it's nowhere near as bad as an IV. My experience was very similar to yours with an IV. You're not alone! Just remember to talk to your doctor so she can help you through it. Also, don't look at it while they're giving it to you, try to think of something to distract you. Good luck!

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