I'm getting the Gardasil shot tomorrow evening. i'm 15 years old. I'm DEATHLY afraid of shots and needles. The last shot I got was a tetnus a few years ago, I remember feeling so nervous I actually cried a little. But then I didn't feel anything sticking it in freaked me out and then after having it in for a few seconds was like a bad pinch. Bearable. But then a few months ago I went to have teeth removed I had a lot to get removed so I was put to sleep. Now silly me I didn't think they'd stick an IV in me, I screamed really loudly and a swore. It was a really big needle and it was shoved into the bend in my arm (I don't know the actual name of it oops) I keep thinking of the horrific pain and small scar I have there when I think of Gardasil. I've seen tons of Gardasil questions on yahoo answers and I've seen a lot of people saying don't do it, there are so many bad things about it and it's not proven. So i'm totally freaked out. Now I don't want cervical cancer, but I only want this vaccine if its definatly going to stop it from forming. Now I know no vaccine protects everyone but does it do a good job protecting people without serious side affects. I just need the facts and any personal experience. I'm going to try to get numbing cream if I have to get the shot. Because I will faint getting this shot. I'm rambling, i'm sorry I'm just terrified. Any help would help me.
Please no negative comments on how big of a wuss I am, because I already know.