
The Global Warming myth.?

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  1. Considering that 99.9% of the scientific community know it's a scam I'll believe them.  The .1% who preach it are leftist-terrorists who wouldn't recognize a thermometer if they saw one.  Global warming is a leftist ploy to control the way we live and impose through false taxes a kind of global economy sharing, nothing more.

  2. I lived in Nyc all my 23...and EVERY WINTER ITS GETTING WARMER AND WARMER...

    SNOW DAYS? LOL...Not for alooooooonnnnnnggggg time..

  3. Global warming is real, of course. Climatologists can measure this with some degree of certainty since the end of the Little Ice Age around 1850. Global cooling is real, of course. Geologists can measure this going back about 10,000 years.

    So, what's going on? The earth warms and cools. Is it "natural?" Sure, everything is natural. The issues here are two:

    1. What effect do man-caused CO2 emissions have on the global climate? They probably cause an increase in global temperatures. Is this bad? Is the increase measurable, what other factors play into this? NOBODY KNOWS. The global climate is arguably the most complex of all complex systems with which humans routinely interact. There are certainly billions, probably trillions, of factors at play. Anyone who believes he/she can single out one factor and blame it for major climate change has forgotten Rule One of complex systems: Approach with humility.

    2. Should we ratify the Kyoto Protocols? The basis for these protocols has nothing to do with climate change, nor with carbon emissions. The openly-stated purpose is to "level the playing field" between more-developed countries and lesser-developed countries. CO2 emissions in Western democracies are to be measured to determine how much wealth should be transferred from them to "other countries" (read: non-Western non-capitalist non-democracies). There are overwhelming reasons to reduce the use of fossil fuels, without regard to global warming. Transferring wealth from Western capitalist democracies to countries that practice oligarchism, totalitarianism and "socialism" (read: concentrate the wealth in the hands of the State to the benefit of the small group at the top that's in charge) is nonsense.

  4. Fake!!

    global warming may be real but man has negligible impact.

    we are all being conned by people who are gonna make a lot of money from it..

  5. It is worse ,it is a LIE.... The green house gas that is supposed to cause GW is not there. CO2 is taken care of by plants....

    Methane they figure that there are billions of cubic ft. out there but you can not find it....If the gas is not there it is all a LIE...

  6. No myth. True. DUH! Go look at a graph or something, the Earth has gone through plenty of warming and cooling stages.

    I think you're really asking about the: Humans causing global warming myth.?

    Right? Is that what you meant in that case I say yeah it's a myth. Again about 120,000 years ago the earth's average surfae temperature was hotter than it is now despite the fact that the CO2 levels in the atmosphere now are much higher than 120,000 years ago.... interesting.

  7. I think Global Warming is just merchandising natural climate change.

    "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend". Check out HBO Robert Wuhl show "Assume the position" it's on again next few days real good.

    Do you know who Israel Bissell is? ... prob. not but you know Paul Revere. Bissell was "Da Man".

  8. of course it's real.

    there aren't any arguments about it not being real, that i know of. it's a fact. i don't think some myth would go as far as this. the goverment would be wasting all it's time and money.

  9. it is a myth that 99% of scientists say it is any science journal & it is about 50/50.anyway if the likes of china,russia & india keep doing what they are doing (which they will) it is a complete waste of time us doing anything,apart from the fact we have to pay all these huge green taxes & our manufacturing companies won't be able to compete,etc

  10. its all just a tax scam

  11. Considering that 99.9% of the scientific community thinks it real, I will have to go with them on this one.  Even President Bush said recently that it is real and it is serious.  Why are the neocons in denial about this?  Evidence, schmevidence....

  12. I like global warming, infact im doing everything i can do to help it speed up. I drive a 2.0l land rover jeep everywhere, why walk when you can drive, i dont own a bycycle and i love burning my tires out doing dohnuts in car parks. I practically work 5 days a week to buy fuel. Its great! I also dont recycle, EVERYTHING goes to landfill and i support Jeremy Clarkson all the way, no matter what it is.

    I hate people who keep onto me about my carbon foot print, yes okay, mine is astronomically huge, but, all those little plant and trees and planktons in the ocean are there to sort that out!

    Bring on the warm weather i say.

  13. You can argue all day about the weather but where you can see the effects of Global  Warming (and can't deny it ) are in organisms, animals and aquatic life. The evidence is smaller numbers and even extinction. I just don't see how any informed person can't see the effects of Global Warming. For those that deny G.W., why can't we go ahead and start the prevenative changes. For your children?

  14. Yes. That is my answer. Whether or not you belive in what is causing it I belive does not matter. Since the industrial revolution temp(and co2) has gone up, up, up......So that is why I belive we need to do something regardless. It could be that maybe the temperatures are changing and increasing but we have seen the negative impact of co2 and the increase of co2 released over the years. If you ask me, its not helping our enviroment at all and if you do belive that the temp increase is due to natural froces then it will be NATURAL and we do not need to be adding more feul to the fire. But we are and thats that. If we were to do more to conserve and recycle or whatever to just put the polar bear off the indangered animals list, to be able to swim in the water w/o getting sick; then I belive we would see a HUGE difference in the air we breathe and the world we live in.

    So if global warming is happening becuase of EARTH's decision, then let it be. If you give her a chance mother nature will clean up her self. But if global warming is happening ALSO becuase of human activities(which I belive) then we need to give a hand in cleaning up the world we live in. ~There's too much at stake to waste time.

  15. No global warming is not a myth. It is happening and yes it being made worse by man.

  16. i think its real...and i dont see whats wrong in "believing" it..because i know some people who get all mad and stubborn when they hear the words global warming because they dont think its real

  17. I welcome Global Warming as it's benefits far outweigh it's negatives.  Less cold related deaths (which outnumber heat related deaths by nearly 2:1, elderly the exception), longer crop growing seasons, new growth of plant species that have been dormant for thousands of years, more areas that receive rainfall, the list could go on and on and on.

    Don't worry about rising oceans… My son is 8 and has already learned in science class about water displacement.  Do lake levels rise during the summer after their ice thaws?  No, the same goes for salt water oceans as freshwater lakes…  Why does my 8yo understand this, but most adults don't?

    Also, I don't doubt that Global Warming exists any less than Global Cooling exists.  Conservatives use the term Global Climate Change and the Liberals have now adopted this term lately to sound less radical.

    Another thing to keep in mind.  The average mean temperature of our Planet has not risen since 1998.  Not even slightly!  (Not faulty date, just OBJECTIVE RESEARCH)

    In the 1970's, they were going to sprinkle our Polar Ice caps with soot and ash to speed up melting because they thought that Global Cooling was going to be the next big disaster.  (You can thank "Dr." James Hansen for that genius idea).  While I don't disagree that Global Cooling would be a terrible thing and far worse than Global Warming, we should NOT be spending our resources finding ways to combat something that is pretty much beyond human control.  Humans and all their industry and technology contribute only a meager 4% to the Global Climate.

    CO2 is not a pollutant either.  Most areas with large areas of concentrated CO2 are the most heavily vegetated areas.  Our plant life thrives on it!  Depends on it for survival.  

    I suggest that people on both sides of the issue do some more OBJECTIVE research and see both sides of this issue and I have no doubt on what side they will find the truth.  Global Warming is not really something to worrying about.  Definitely not a priority.

  18. It is a crazy subject! that I no longer know what I believe.  The planet is getting warmer (so the scientists say> but all Britain sees is rain!) the thing is, is it due to the human race chopping down trees, and polluting the world!? OR is it what the world naturally starts to do - such as the exstinction of the dinosaurs- kind of a cycle.. which could definently make sense.  

    The thing is Global Warming being a myth- would only hinder the US, UK and developing countries like China- it would mean cutting down on production, on transportation of goods, and so the economy- no country has anything to gain by indulging in such a Myth.

  19. There is no hard evidence.

  20. global warming is very serious. i believe in it as much as the next person does. im very earth friendly and i make sure the entire house has no lights on pretty much everyday. i walk to work instead of drive. and i own the green book. its all about how to be green and all that good stuff. check it out at your local library. and by the way you people who dont say its true you better check out every news station every single one of them say its T-R-U-E!

  21. scientists reported on june 26th that red hot magma has been rising deep inside the earth and blown the tops off dozens of submarine volcanoes 4 kilometres below the ice in the Arctic. What does that tell you?

  22. i hurd its real. but i hope not ,its scary to think about.

  23. It is totally not a myth. If it was, then why would gas businesses and electric companies be worrying that everyone will turn against them and leave their wallets empty? Why do politics use it in their campaigns? The evidence is here - just take a look at the north and south pole! Why are people in doubt?!

  24. CO2 will make the earth warm.  How much is the question.  

    We have risen .6 deg C +/- .2 deg C.  The rise before WWII is almost all natural.  This leaves us with .4 deg C +/- .13 degree C.  from taking carbon to 285 to 385.  This has about 45% of the effect from doubling.  (we are on pace to double in 2100).  Taken lineraly we are looking at a .5 deg C rise from here.  

    Not a myth, but definatly no evidence to by land in central florida hoping you can retire on beach front property.

  25. No, it is scam.

  26. You sort of answer your own question by calling it a 'myth'.

    Those who think it is real, and are willing to put money on it (for example the recent ₤100bn initiative by the UK government), include:

    1 All major governments (including Bush) and most minor governments;

    2 The UN, the EU and all major international treaty organisations (even NATO considers GW one of the 5 biggest threats);

    3 All major climatology study organisations and research groups;

    4 A large majority of climatologists and environmental science experts;

    5 Most science related groups recognised globally as being credible (e.g. NASA);

    6 All major policy groups and think tanks responsible for home security, town planning and long-term political policies.

    Those against it include:

    1 The majority of conservative Americans (Republicans) who, for the most part, have not studied climatology in depth;

    2 A slew of lobbying groups (again, almost entirely American)who stand to lose out if either GW is proved real or if anyone tries to do anything about it (e.g. become energy efficient);

    3 Groups who hint at being credible but actually have no credentials (e.g. that '37,000 scientists' who have signed an on-line petition: They are not climate scientists, just have a BSc and less than 5% have any climatology-related credentials whereas over 80% of them have a stake in perpetuating the energy status quo);

    4 People without sufficient experience, knowledge, intelligence or access to the actual facts and science such that they believe the propoganda of the above.

    I may not be a climatologist myself but I know who I am more likely to believe....

    Oh, and the facts (and I mean the real ones, not all the myths that float around on YA like 'the world stopped warming in 1998' which is just sloppy statistics, or the confusion between weather and climate ("it's snowing outside my window right now therefore the world is cooling")) - they also support the theory that the globe is warming and that man is largely (>90% according to the UN) responsible.


    So I do have to say these things again...

    Eric R - Cold related deaths outweigh heat related ones in todays climate; if it gets hotter then, yes, cold related deaths fall but heat related ones rise e.g. 35,000 in Europe in 2003 (

    Your analogy for lakes works for arctic sea ice that is floating (as ice does in lakes). Scientists DO realise this... rising sea levels are based on ice that is currently on land melting into oceans thus adding to the water.

    The proper term has always been global climate change - it is not the fault of the scientists that the media or various groups changed the name. And even if the name has been changed, it still doesn't affect the facts or underlying science.

    There is a continuing myth here in YA that "The average mean temperature of our Planet has not risen since 1998". This is based on sloppy statistics - the 'average mean' is calculated on a 5, or 10-year basis. To pick the hottest year in the decade and then say the average is less than that is nonsense (in every 10 years, there will always be one 'hottest' and one 'coldest').

    You need to compare like with like. So, for example, was the decade ending 2007 warmer than the decade ending 1997? The answer is yes...

    The World Meteorological Organization said this decade (1998-2007) was "the hottest in recorded history" ( how can it be that the hottest decade in history is also when, as you say, the temperature didn't rise?

    Picking one year and forecasting centuries from that is, as I said, sloppy statistics (or deliberately misleading...).

    "Humans and all their industry and technology contribute only a meager 4% to the Global Climate" this is also misleading. We are not talking about the global climate but about global climate CHANGE - and that, my friend is "very likely (over 90%) man-made" according to the IPCC, a UN body convened with the approval of all the world's governments; they were given the Nobel Peace Prize for this report. It would be hard to find a more credible source than this. (

    As the main cause of GCC, humans are also well positioned to do something about it - to say we shouldn't waste our resources finding solutions is incredibly defeatist and akin to shooting your grandkids at birth - horrible! C'mon; you've got an 8-year old! Let him grow up into a decent world...

    And FYI, only  a few countries are not doing anything about it, many, many countries are - for example Germany and Portugal hope to be fossil fuel free by 2030 - think about the competitive advantage they will have when the US & the UK are paying $300/barrel for oil and they are getting their energy for free...

    Finally, the stuff about plants is also misleading...

    Plants like CO2 - yep we all know that, but what's this? "Most areas with large areas of concentrated CO2 are the most heavily vegetated areas" - really? Please tell me where this is... as far as I knew, CO2 concentrations were highest over motorways and urban cities and lowest over forests - the opposite of what you suggest.

    Anyway, so what? The vast majority of plants were happy with 200ppm (the CO2 concentration in 1700) but now it is double that - I haven't seen plants suddenly double in size, or grow twice as fast. Neither are there twice as many plants in the world - fact is, there are less because we keep chopping 'em down.

    This is the point - plants cannot absorb anymore; that's why the CO2 concentration is increasing...

    I suggest you do some more OBJECTIVE research and see both sides of this issue; I have no doubt on what side you will find the truth. Global Warming IS really something to worry about.

    Definitely a priority. And these people agree:

    NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer ("NATO must expand its role in the coming decade to prepare for new threats provoked by the impact of global warming" -

    U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon ("global warming poses as great a threat to the world as modern warfare" -

    British Prime Minister Gordon Brown ("Unchecked global warming will devastate the global economy on the scale of the world wars and the Great Depression"-


  27. That 99.9% number is another myth (see hansblix above), especially when you survey climate scientists specifically.  Yes, we have experienced warming, and, yes, man made CO2 has had some impact.  But we have had no wamring in the opast decade (FACT) and no one has any idea how much warming we would or wouldn't have had without the man made CO2, because the climate is always changing for reasons we do not well understand.

  28. Al Gore should be called "Al w***e" because he is getting a heck of a lot of money s******g us!

    Not everyone in the Scientific Community is going along with this myth of man made Global Warming!  That  99%, itself is another myth!   Many scientists do not believe in MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING!  However, the left leaning newspapers seem to only print the scientists that believe in this c**p and ignore the other scientists who do not!  The majority of scientists do not agree with Al w***e's idea of Man Made Global Warming!

    Our Earth has undergone tens of thousands of Global Warmings (Climate Changes) over the past many millions of years - and just like this one - none of the man made!

    The Earth has actually gotten COLDER over the past ten years and that is why Global Warming is now being called "Climate Change!"

    Mars is undergoing Global Warming/Climate Change right now and there are no SUV's or Republicans there!

    The question you should always ask an environmentalist or pro-environmental scientist is "if there were no human beings on Earth - would we still have Global Warming???"  Yes, we would because Global Warming is not man made!

  29. A scam. Lies

  30. well, global warming is rea. but humans arent causing it.  if you look into it, you would noticew thar earth and all the planets have a cycle og warming and cooling over 10s of thousands of years.  one stat that should be noted to prove that humans dont cause this is....mars and earth have both risen .1% in the past 20 years.  how can we affect mars like that?  we cant.  its the sun, and its own cycle.  it has to so with solar activity and the way it affects cloud cover which in turn affects the amount of trapped heat.  the only reason people say we cause is b/c it is human nature to accept things that shows we have power.  we have never beat mother nature and we never will.  we want to think that we could cause this, b/c that also means that we can fix it. we just have to ride it out.

  31. I hope it's a myth.

    It's all a bit scary.


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