
The Globalist New World Order agenda ?

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Are you aware of the policies that they(ELITES) have in store for us?...If so explain?




  1. The current policy they have is to destroy American sovreignty through illegal immigration and economic turmoil. They know the American people won't easily submit to the NAU, so they must make these things happen through manipulation.


  3. socialist world order where THEY are in control

  4. The EU Reform Treaty will be the first step towards implementing this worldwide government. Like the EU these regional organizations being built, most notably right now the Association of South-East Asian Nations, the African Union, and the Union of South American Nations, will all have legal personality, be run by unelected elites, and have control of the affairs of their member states.

    In the U.S. the first step towards such an organization is being made with the North American Free Trade Agreement, North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation, North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, Security and Prosperity Partnership, and Dominican Republic and Central American Free Trade Agreement. Ultimately these agreements will lead to a supranational government structure. This already has begun with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, North American Competitiveness Council and NAFTA secretariat.

    ASEAN is also writing up its new charter and it will likely include a legal personality for the group and ASEAN parliament, likely to pave the way for an EU-style supranational body.

    Much like the Club of Rome plans for 10 regions of the world this ongoing movement is gaining significant ground in nine regions and a tenth may be on the verge of forming due to the six-party talks.


    What Presidential Candidates are part of the CFR? What are they trying to accomplish?

    Fred Thompson- CFR (D)

    Rudy Giuliani- CFR (R)

    John McCain- CFR (R)

    Mitt Romney- CFR (R)

    Jim Gilmore- CFR (R)

    Newt Gingrich- CFR (R)

    Hillary Clinton- CFR/Bilderberg (D)

    Barack Obama- CFR/Muslim/AIPAC(D)

    John Edwards- CFR (D)

    Joe Biden- CFR (D)

    Chris Dodd- CFR (D)

    Bill Richardson- CFR/AIPAC (D)

    Who Opposes the CFR?

    Ron Paul

    Dennis Kucinich

    Mike Gravel

    Tom Tancredo

  5. There arent really "true" elites that rule, but rather a large group of people that control many things.  Since their opinions, strategies, and desires vary wildly, they do not and probably will never have a consensus of what to do.  But, you can expect higher energy costs soon (just happens), less privacy, more technology, and less feeling of individuality.  You can fight it, but good luck.

  6. Quite simple.

    1. Create a world power & military

    2. Collect world taxes

    3. Claim the worlds resources

    4. Exploit 3rd world countries

    5. Reduce population in 3rd world countries

    When there is 1 government, with 1 military, its a bit hard to oppose anything they wish to impose on you. Not like USA will be able to come to your aid and liberate you.

    Quite simple, and logical considering the powerful always want more power. And if you give it honest thought, it is FAR from conspiracy theory.

  7. This is already happening.

    We have the WTO which wants to limit the availability of natural medicines to prescription only.

    We have a National ID which will become mandatory in May of 08.

    We have Most favored Nation trading status with China, Mexico, and India.  All of whom are now doing the jobs that we did here, so we don't have them anymore.

    None of the top tier Candidates will commit to securing the borders.

    There is a road that goes form Mexico to Canada, over which we have no control.

    They are attempting to get the law of the sea treaty ratified in the Senate right now.

    All of this is just the beginning.

    We are going to lose our identity as a Nation, and we are going to be subject to whatever laws the UN makes for us.

  8. they rule,you follow..pretty simple really

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