
The Government are going to get young people caught with knives to meet stab victims. Will it work?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike least they are trying I guess.




  1. No more ineffective sugar coated solutions, they should be lobotomised to make them more compliant then used as suicide bombers against the taleban. Either that or executed on the spot

  2. I think it will add insult to injury personally.

    If they can stab someone and feel no remorse, then do they expect them to be compassionate when meeting them?


  3. i think its a cracking idea, if the victims are carrying Samurai swords with which to engrave the word SCUMBAG into the nobheads forehead.

  4. As a representative of your government, i think that we are doing the absolute best that we can to make sure that you don't get stabbed.   You can attest to the fact that you have lived this far without getting stabbed once.  That shows that our policies are working.

    What else are you doing with your life?  Are you a researcher who is compiling data for a study?  Or are you a streetfighter?

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