
The Government makes its offensive in Catalonia before the sovereigntist discourse...

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The Government gives practically lost the possibility of negotiations with the Government at least until the end of the slow process, consume all 2014, until finally the Executive, through the Constitutional Court preventing the independence referendum he wants to convene the Executive Catalan November 9. Rajoy 's team therefore will devote this year 2014, which gives up politically in his attempt to redirect policy Artur Mas, Catalonia to travel more and try to battle the Catalan public. He started the year with the visit of Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo, some others like the Minister of Development, Ana Pastor, or Catalan Jorge Fernandez come very often, and now is scheduled for this weekend double check.

First, Cristobal Montoro, finance minister and chief negotiator with the Government, which requires injections every month rescue fund, will go on Friday and Saturday will the president, Mariano Rajoy himself. And from there all year ministers, especially economic, multiplied their appearances, according to the executive, they also boost the position of the Catalan PP, concern in the government that is taking away much Ciutadans political space.

Montoro discussed in the halls of Congress on Friday to attend a ceremony of the People's Party and will use this opportunity to refute the arguments of the Government on the alleged plundering of Catalonia. "Friday will attend the party convention in Catalonia and there will also an exhibition of economic arguments and the related financing Generalitat, embedded in the financing of the autonomous communities," he assured.

However, Montoro come to Barcelona without even lists fiscal balances, which had undertaken to publish by the end of 2013 and are being delayed. Sources of Finance refused to clarify the date that some scales that are expected in Catalonia and that certainly focus the debate at a time of great political tension between the Government and the Executive will be published.

What is clear, and the Executive acknowledges is that you will use these tax scales, when ready, to try to refute the arguments of the sovereignist. So there is much interest in the outcome and especially the criteria set by the Executive, which will be different from the one time these scales have been developed in 2006 with the PSOE in government.

The Government has stressed repeatedly in recent months that he had every intention of responding to each of the economic arguments of the Government to show that Catalonia is much more interested in Spain continue to gamble for independence. Rajoy himself, already prepared with his team Barcelona speech, that his point as very important, said Friday that independence would be an "incalculable impoverishment " for both Catalonia and Scotland.

However, the Treasury finally decided not to answer the most controversial document of the Generalitat, which quantified the course plunder, which he called " grievances", at 9,375 million euros. He presented Francesc Homs in October. Montoro then promised a detailed response. But time passed and finally the Treasury, in a gesture of goodwill and in a time when there was talk of recovering the dialogue, did not answer.

Montoro Now, after the date and day of the consultation was announced, something that the government is a definitive statement of war, seems willing to go to Barcelona to offer all the details you would respond to sovereigntist discourse, but so far without those expected fiscal balances.

 Tags: Catalonia, discourse, government, makes, offensive, sovereigntist


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