
The Government requests a plane to Belgium by the failure of Airbus Prince

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The fault plane carrying Prince Honduras has had a direct impact on Rajoy 's trip to Rome, while the government has had to resort to a Belgian unit. The six Spanish ministers who traveled to the Italian- Spanish summit and their delegations were scheduled to travel with the President of the Executive in the Airbus that was in Madrid. The Defense Ministry has only two large aircraft like this.

One of them was using Don Felipe and the other was for Rajoy and his ministers. However, after repeated failures in the aircraft carrying the Prince, Defence did not want to risk and sent the second Airbus to find the heir to the motorcade. The Prime Minister has been forced to travel well in one of four Falcon, smaller aircraft, which has Defense. But the entourage were so large that took three. And as in Madrid were only two available, Defence has used the international agreements it has signed a plane and asked the Government of Belgium.

So part of the Spanish delegation in the Italian Summit has come to Rome in a foreign aircraft, something very unusual and foregrounds are having problems with their aircraft defense, and most of them quite old. In full wave of austerity, Rajoy has not wanted to change planes.

 Tags: Airbus, Belgium, failure, government, plane, Prince, requests


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