
The Great Global Warming Swindle V's Inconvenient Truth.?

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It appears that the people on yahoo answers who disagree with AGW and endlessly criticise Al Gore have no problem quoting facts from 'The Great Global Warming Swindle' despite the fact the movie and Martin Durkin have received more criticism from the public and scientists alike. Funnily enough the same people will also suggest that believers in AGW are easily swayed by the media.

Is this a case of people choosing to believe what suits their lifestyle or being the victims of propoganda?




  1. I'm going to be pedantic here but I think there's a thin and grey line between the two possible reasons you suggest.

    We tend to cling to our ideas of self and the notions that we have adopted as part of that self, whether it is a tree hugging greenie or a right wing coal energy advocate that we are adopting as a front.

    This weakness, this dependence on things or beliefs for a sense of identity, makes us prone to propaganda that suits our current view point.  I would say that in the absence of this propaganda, we would choose to just take the views that suit us anyway.


  2. the Inconvenient Truth did make some errors but in large it fairly accurately explained global warming in simple terms. The Great Global Warming Swindle on the other hand is propaganda of the worst order. it used sharp editing to misrepresent the views of the scientists it interviewed as well as making mainly emotive arguments.

  3. We all know global warming is happening fact period. What we don't know is why fact. Some scientists say its us wrong, we are 3rd or 4th on the worlds worst polluters, farting cows produce more green house gases than human enterprise. The planet is probably just getting over being hit by the asteriod that killed the dinos, because when they were around there were no polar ice caps, geolgically 1 million years is a very short time and we humans with our pathetic life spans forget this!!

  4. Reality is not based on opinion.  "Inconvenient truth" has silly things like melting ice overflowing the world, which is a physical impossibility.  Ice melting in a glass overflows nothing, the same is true of ice in the ocean.

    "Me thinks the global warming people doth protest too much"

  5. The problem is that people criticize 'An Inconvenient Truth' as though it were the only AGW theory reference in existence, and in the next breath cite some amateurish argument from the Swindle.

    For example, 'Why did Al Gore have to make an animation of polar bears drowning if global warming is real?  And how can CO2 cause warming if it lags behind temperature?'

    The first question implies that because Gore's film created an animation, the AGW theory is wrong.  This claim is quite obviously beyond absurd.

    The second question comes straight out of the Swindle, and is entirely amateurish.  'In the past A has happened before B, therefore B is incapable of causing A'.  Poor logic, which a little bit of thought (i.e. how can a greenhouse gas be incapable of causing warming?) puts to rest.

    People are very good at finding ways to believe what they want to believe.  If that means ignoring vast amounts of scientific data and getting one's information from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and the propaganda film 'Swindle', some will do it.

  6. The Great Global Warming Swindle received more criticism because the majority of the media supports Global Warming theory.

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