
The Great Indian Democracy Show - fun only?

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Any news....?

like following :

- Lalu wrote poem on current situation

- Bombay bookies offered 50 Crores to Mps.

anything else......

"Dekh tere hindustan ki haalat kya ho gayi bapu........?"




  1. Congress only care about muslims!!!!

  2. Hey defeated people of minority party, stop crying now and stop your dirty allegations.We(the nation)for victory

  3. Thanks to the Congress, they have made a mockery of democracy.

  4. fully agree with u

  5. i completely agree with u.the only solution for this is presidential form of govt.India got independence in 1947. At that time Indians adopted parliamentary form of Government. This was similar to that in Great Britain. This system has served India well for some decades. But does it continue doing that now? Are Indians blocking their progress with parliamentary form of Government? This is a question that is being asked many times and no body has the guts to discuss about this in parliament and go ahead with change if found suitable. Why- because all parties feel that with Presidential Form Of Government they will lose whatever clout they have in government. How has parliamentary system fared in last ten years? It requires discussion.

    During last decade India has been having coalition governments. A small group whose support is vital to its survival can dictate this kind of government. A party with about ten MPs can make the government do what it wants. Let us talk of the nuclear deal. There is a general view that India will benefit with it. But the strong opposition from left has made it impossible to go ahead. Why is the left opposing it- because it is being offered by the USA. Had it been offered by China or Russia, left would have agreed to the deal even if it were not in national interest. In the garb of national interest, left parties are enjoying a huge ego trip and blocking every progress possible. This would not have been possible if India had Presidential Form Of Government.

    Today the Prime Minister looks without any power to do anything except having non stop talks with the left and trying to convince them. The left parties threaten to withdraw support every other day but do not do so. They are playing a waiting game that will ultimately show the Government in a very bad light. But the situation is so complex that Congress party does not know what it should do. It is a tragedy of highest proportion

    Yes, its time we move on presidential form of government. People electing directly to post of office bearer is better. It gives chance to determine the performance of the elected person. In case bad performance, the person would not be re-elected next time around if contested. The directly elected person can provide better governance as they don't have to bow pressures from internal party politics, where in all members of the party have to be kept happy to hold on to top chair. It will also avoids hung parliament/assemblies, hence no formation of coalition government, which cannot be run successfully with out keeping all parties happy.

  6. Make all the fun you want about the Great

    Indian Democracy.But are you aware that in

    many other Great Democracies,sleazier things


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