
The Greatest Day of the Century 08-08-08?

by  |  earlier

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Are you familiar with this date being regarded as the greatest day of the century according to occult healers/psychics/ and spell casters. I would really like to hear from pagans and others who believe and are familiar with the occult. I haven't found anything on the internet.




  1. Seems that is hogwash. Why would it be 8? How come it could not be 07-07-07, or 09-09-09, or 05-05-05? I am sooooo confused.....

  2. Don't believe it. A lot of people were saying things about 06-06-06 and it was just another day as usual.

  3. What about 09.09.09?

  4. I've also heard 7/7/07, and 6/6/06. seriously, people just like the thriple numbers.

  5. Isn't that the day the Olympics start. I don't find the Olympics great at all. If I win the Lottery on that day, then it will be the greatest day of the century.

  6. Its actually 08082008.  The only reason it looks like 080808 is because you are chopping off the 20 when you abbreviate the numbers that way.  I would assume that most people, who are going to assign some sort of importance to a number like that, would be smart enough to recognize the elimination of the extra digits for an abbreviation isnt very meaningful, when the real number is something different entirely.

  7. The number 8 is seen a very auspicious by the Chinese

  8. Yep; nothing special about it.  In early mythology & pagan mythology, October 31 (All Hallow's Eve or the night of the wild hunt); December 31; and March 31 (Ostrata) are special days.

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