
The Greek Goddess Hestia?

by Guest63573  |  earlier

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I need to write a 5 page research paper on her, and in the paper i have to compare her to a celebrity that shares her personality traits. Hestia (Roman: Vesta) is the goddess of the hearth. She was always mentioned when blessing food, she was thought to keep peace in city-states, and she was charitable. She flies under the radar because she is hardly ever mentioned in myths. The celebrity would have to be charitable and peace loving, but it'd really help if they were well known yet very chill and not involved in scandal. Please and thank you.




  1. Well not involved in scandal rules out Martha Steward.  How about Rachel Ray or Oprah Winfrey?

  2. Your teacher is an idiot.

    Hestia is an Olympian goddess, but she is not part of the 12, because, she gave up her throne for Dionysus when he was old enough.

    But that's boring. Why don't you talk about the Vestal Virgins. They were virgins who were appointed by the Roman priests. Their only job was to keep the sacred fires burning in Hestia's temple. If any of them was discovered pregnant, she was buried alive.  

  3. Your teacher is obviously young. An older one would not have asked for something so ridiculous.  Ther is no celebrity that can come close to her.

  4. Maybe Angelina Jolie? She seems to fit the characteristics you asked for.

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